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Everything posted by BGD

  1. BGD

    Sky Tv

    Yep it's always worth threatening to cancel every now and then, they get so desperate to keep hold of you they'll offer all sorts. Same with internet and mobile phone providers
  2. BGD

    Sky Tv

    Call them up and tell them you want to cancel your subscription because the box is on the blink and you don't want to pay out for a new one, if they think that's the only way to keep you on as a customer they'll usually give you a new one.
  3. Maybe Talk To Frank will offer him sponsorship
  4. Coked out his fecking mind, plain as day
  5. i,m a little shocked and surprised by this, when you say 9 sexual assaults reported a week by its drivers do you mean 9 drivers are assaulted every week or 9 drivers get reported for assault each week? I,m not trying to be pedantic but cannot believe that is happening and there is not a huge outcry or some kind of reporting of this ,my kids as mentioned also use uber so another cause for concern on my part. Do you have any kind of links to validate these stats or is this just Chinese whispers ? Again not trying to disagree but asking as a concerned dad Not just that but Uber have allowed drive
  6. About time IMO. Bet you're bouncing marshman
  7. Cheers, he's a beauty pal
  8. Wouldn't mind seeing some pics of him sounds like it'd make a handsome cross
  9. Feck the gulag, it's straight against the wall for you comrade
  10. My bull bitch has had an almost identical lump in pretty much the exact same place for over a year now, like you I've no real idea what it actually is but I just keep an eye on it and while it's not growing or causing any discomfort I'm not really worried.
  11. Not a police officer just an informer
  12. BGD

    Top Ten

    Was a unbroken chain of andrews in our family, from father to first born son, just like us Dons, for more generations than we can count haha right up until my cousin wasnt man dnough to tell his missus to fcuk off, and so thats the end of that, sad i think That is sad Traditions like that are important, shameful to be the one to put an end to it IMO
  13. BGD

    Top Ten

    Some good traditional names in this thread lads, good to see the whole country hasn't gone mad with the "unique" names I think it's nice to have names that have passed down the generations too Katchum Feck being "original"
  14. BGD

    Platinum Fox

    There's loads of colour mutations bred for the pet/fur trade but it'll still be a Vulpes vulpes the same species we find in the wild.Just googled it. You are right. Some amazing colour variations exist! Hard to believe you can get that much variation from the one species isn't it pal. Must be 100s of different mutations and combinations of mutations.
  15. BGD

    Platinum Fox

    There's loads of colour mutations bred for the pet/fur trade but it'll still be a Vulpes vulpes the same species we find in the wild.
  16. Now that is a statistic that should make everyone sit up and take notice! Folk don't realise just how close to the cliff edge they are... Millions of families with no savings whatsoever too, just one month without pay and they're missing the mortgage/rent payment and staring down the barrel of homelessness. And we all know how secure the average blokes job is these days... Terrifying.
  17. You know it, made me chuckle the other day when someone wrote about Greece and how it's the citizens fault they are in shit and I'm thinking "you do realize most of the U.K. Is 3% points away from ruin don't you?" Lol A quick phone call from "them" and everyone's life gos down the khazi !! As I said, folk need to pay attention It's that old problem of actually getting folk to keep their eye on the slippery c**ts when there isn't an election/referendum going on. Can't really blame them though most folk are so busy trying to keep their heads above water they haven't got the time or ener
  18. I think you already know the answer to that question pal...
  19. It's funny isn't it, everyone on here was so passionate about Brexit right up to the point of the referendum result then everyone stopped paying attention when the real job started. May could weasel out of it at this point and still get their votes
  20. More members than all the other major UK political parties put together and the largest left wing party in Europe Yet they fall at the final hurdle every election.Every election? So Labour have never won an election and formed a government? You sure about that lad? TRIGGERED.TRIGGERED.TRIGGERED. What can I say sometimes I feel sorry for you with how desperate you are for any attention from me
  21. More members than all the other major UK political parties put together and the largest left wing party in Europe Yet they fall at the final hurdle every election. Every election? So Labour have never won an election and formed a government? You sure about that lad?
  22. More members than all the other major UK political parties put together and the largest left wing party in Europe
  23. BGD

    Rip Ferdinand

    He has a net worth of around £55million, I don't think he's exactly hurting for cash
  24. We are just looking at it from our point of view but I bet you will find forums with Pakistanis being just as racist to us. This forum only seems big as you use it, to anyone else it's just full of the same old shit that you can read on most forums. Then of course the fact that 9 out of 10 members are paranoid recluse's that hide under false usernames so there is no proving who actually said what and we just blend in as the dot on the www we are Yep like I said in the post that started all of this off we fly under the radar because in the grand scheme of things this is just a tiny little co
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