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Everything posted by BGD

  1. BGD


    Right click (or tap and hold on mobile) and open in new tab
  2. BGD


    No don, thats what you call a soceity merged with computers i think. A technocracy is a society run by technical experts (scientists, engineers etc) instead of elected representatives.
  3. BGD


    Congratulations pal she's a bonnie wee lass
  4. Hope all goes well for mum and baby pal
  5. Yep a sick f****r in prison where he belongs and all without Rudd's new law...
  6. He's been sent down for it under existing laws though? If the existing law didn't stop him why would this one?
  7. Oh right he's a proper slimey little weasel then no arguments there but not really a grass unless he had something to do with him getting sent down. There's no shortage of actual grasses and informers on here (some of them even openly proud of it!) but they seem to get a free ride compared to PLM..
  8. What did PLM actually do? Folk going on in this thread like he grassed on gnasher but as far as I can gather he just posted about him getting sent down? Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick though, I seem to of missed out on all that drama!
  9. Barred bandicoot? Hard to tell what size it is when you can only see a small part of the animal right up close to the camera.
  10. Bully sticks (dried bull penis) are a good alternative to rawhide
  11. BGD

    W. Katchum

    You fecking begged for those pics and for every one I sent I got at least two back, don't try and act like it was all one sided! Still traumatised by the one you sent with the butternut squash FFS
  12. Almost feel sorry for her. Almost. Funny as feck though.
  13. Francie I must have missed you posting proof of there being actual cells from aborted feotuses in soft drinks? Post it again for me The HEK-293 cell line is used to test new flavourings at early stages of their development, I can understand why some people would have an ethical problem with that but saying that means there's aborted feotus cells in soft drinks is like saying that because a product is tested on animals that means there's cells from that animal in the product.
  14. And..... your point is, you didnt need to post the snopes article i already told you that info, you thought you were smart trying to prove me otherwise. Papsi called a stop to this in 2012, so the snopes article is shite. Read it an weep dave. The snopes article doesn't say they never used HEK-293 in the development of flavourings, it just explains how that isn't the same thing as there being actual cells from aborted feotuses in soft drinks... See this is the problem when you try and debunk an article you haven't actually read, you just end up looking foolish.
  15. Still confirming what the snopes article says....
  16. That article confirms what the snopes article said... They used a cell line derived from a single aborted feotus from the 70s in the development of flavourings. Not the same thing as there being actual tissue from aborted feotuses in the drinks.
  17. Go an look at a few other sources, pepsi admitted it an said theyd stop, if you cared to keep looking instead of clicking the first one. Obama said that pepsi didnt break no law, an that testing flavourings was not illegal, even tho it was aborted foteus cells. Doesnt surprise me anyway, big corporations, do not care about people only money, an there lobbying power is unbeleivable, so maybe thats why it was hardly reported, but it got out. So thats twice you wdre wrong on this thread bgd. Try actually reading the article I posted then get back to me. There is no aborted feotus cel
  18. Artificial sweeteners are made from the tears of tortured puppies you sick b*****d!! :no:
  19. Mmm I'm enjoying a nice glass of aborted foetus juice right now. Francie you're fecking mental (For the non-mental http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/pepsi.asp)
  20. Two neo-Nazi groups added to banned list http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41430740
  21. Good to see more terrorist scumbags taken off the streets Doesn't say whether these arrests are linked to the soldiers who have already been charged but wouldn't be surprised if the intelligence is from the same source.They just arrested 14 Catalan MP's here for speaking their opinion on independence. Does that make them terror threats? Nope! It means the EU and far left socialism is up to its old tricks of ruthlessly cracking down on free speech and anyone who has a different opinion. Remember love, the last to do that were the Commies and NAZIs I'm not really familiar with the details, wer
  22. I don't think he was actually any kind of party official just a member in the past so don't totally write him off based on that, sure we've all been with a wrongun and got a dose at least once! Still made me laugh when I heard it, not exactly the sort of party switch you'd expect! He'll be giving his first speech as leader tomorrow outlining his vision for the party so that should be worth a watch for those who are trying to make up their mind about him.
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