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Everything posted by BGD

  1. BGD

    The Election

    Jihadi Max stood in the desert in a Sunderland shirt about to chop some poor c**ts head off, I can see it now
  2. BGD

    The Election

    If I was actually trying to convert anyone on here'd it'd definitely be max, he's already a leftist going by the policy he supports he just doesn't know it yet I just don't see that mindset changing really, of course if I let polling stop me campaigning for what I believe in I would have given it up as a bad job decades ago. You never know what's coming round the corner to shift the public's thinking.
  3. BGD

    The Election

    Corbyn says I'm not allowed to stop posting on here during elections until I get at least one of you c**ts to vote Labour. So I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon
  4. BGD

    The Election

    I just think libertarianism is just a non-starter in a country like the UK, Farage figured that out with the Brexit party pushing a much more populist economic message calling for massive infrastructure spending etc because he's understood that bulk of Brits just won't support libertarian economic policy. Even the Leave campaign which could have gone down a libertarian path in arguing against the EU was full of populist economic messaging, they didn't put "we send £350m a week to the EU, let's cut your taxes instead" on the side of a bus did they
  5. BGD

    The Election

    A majority of Brits support increasing their taxes to fund the NHS actually
  6. BGD

    The Election

    Do you think there's really any appetite for libertarianism in the UK? Look at the polling for support of the NHS, welfare state and even nationalisation of utilities etc, the majority of the British public favour a big state taking care of the citizens and taking control of key industries.
  7. BGD


    Have the riots started yet? Last I heard everyone was going to take to the streets if Brexit was delayed?
  8. BGD

    The Election

    Ok some things do change around here, I didn't realise max had become a fully paid up member of Hope Not Hate
  9. BGD

    The Election

    Let me out? I'm the f***ing camp commandant! Just hear updating my list before Corbyn is swept to power
  10. BGD

    The Election

    f**k me I see nothing changes on here
  11. BGD


    Labour aren't going to unite Ireland and the DUP know that. You're falling into the same trap as May thinking the DUP will support her no matter what. Nigel Dodds himself has said that the backstop is a bigger threat than a Labour government.
  12. BGD


    Simple really, they see the backstop as a bigger threat than a Labour government.
  13. BGD


    No because parliament is sovereign and the referendum was advisory, nothing in law forcing parliament to act on the result. Well the people pushing for a second referendum argue at this point the only way to break the deadlock in parliament is to take the decision back to the people. Of course even if there wasn't deadlock in parliament the usual suspects would be pushing for it because they simply want to stop brexit at all costs. Hearing that Labour and DUP talks have been quite successful today with the DUP saying that they'd support a vote of no confidence if May do
  14. That's what it's all about pal. Loads of classic Christmas films up on Netflix we'll be working our way through them as a family I'm sure. Proper special when you've got a wee one having their first Christmases too, enjoy these early years. Hope you and yours have a good one
  15. All the family travelling from far and wide to gather together, wee kids going mad and getting spoilt rotten, eating great food until you're fit to burst then eating some more and a good film or two on the box. What's not to look forward to? Favourite time of year for me.
  16. BGD


    Don't be silly, it's Corbyn does the riding
  17. BGD


    ....there was a leadership election following that vote which he won with an increased majority.
  18. BGD


    Certainly not a strong enough victory to shut up her critics. Like I said earlier they'll just be emboldened and start looking for other ways to undermine her. Divisions have been deepened, not healed.
  19. BGD


    So they're stuck with her for a year now, will they live to regret it?
  20. BGD


    Boris will get his chance to run and lose again in the next leadership election and depending on who the next leader is could probably get another cabinet position in the future. Mogg has never really had any hope of being anything more than a well known backbencher TBH.
  21. BGD


    Aye if the bill somehow passed the DUP would definitely vote no confidence in May, hell I wouldn't be suprised if they called the vote themselves! But even if it's voted down their support in a confidence vote isn't guaranteed especially after she's tried to play them with this renegotiation that hasn't changed anything regarding the backstop. May is foolish if she thinks the DUP are so scared of a Labour government that they'll support her regardless of what she does. We'll know which way they're leaning if Corbyn actually calls a vote of no confidence because he's not going to call it u
  22. BGD


    You underestimate how much of a red line the backstop is to the DUP. If it isn't removed the government will not have their support anymore and if the bill passes with it intact they will see it as a major breach of their confidence & supply arrangement. Labour were having backroom talks with them up to the point when the brexit bill vote was pulled and were feeling quite positive in the DUP joining them in both voting down the bill and voting no confidence in the government.
  23. BGD


    Honestly unless May (or the next leader is she loses the vote tonight) somehow manages to pull an amazing brexit rabbit out of the hat I don't think it really matters when the next GE is they're not going to win it regardless. In fact you could argue that the longer they cling on to power the bigger their defeat will be when the country finally goes to the polls...
  24. BGD


    Charlie Elphicke has also had the whip restored, he was suspended from the party because he's currently under investigation by the police for alleged sexual offences committed against members of his staff.
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