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Everything posted by BGD

  1. It's be a humiliation really hasn't it? The great Russian bear that had been built up in our heads should have been able to roll straight through Ukraine.
  2. Looks like a nice bloke
  3. I would have thought that was obvious, the line is drawn at the border of NATO countries.
  4. The f**k are you on about
  5. Aye exactly that, it would be tolerable if the arguments were at least entertaining but this is just sad to watch
  6. Really is starting to get a bit boring every thread turning into a slap fight between the same pair
  7. Yeah bit weird that a city center is covered in cctv!
  8. Nothing to worry about pal it's not like arming every criminal and extremist in the country has ever come back to bite us before has it?
  9. Sorry pal missed that at the bottom of the page
  10. You don't actually think that's real do you pal?
  11. Jesus if that post says "strong feelings" to you I think it might be you that needs to lay off the soy sweetheart
  12. I remember a load of folk doing that with the Iraqi dinar. Didn't work out so well for them
  13. So why state it so confidently as if it was fact? Thought you were all about researching and verifying? It's not supposed to be taken as anything but funny as f**k pal.
  14. Best bit is the vodka he's pouring out is made in fecking Latvia
  15. Just a little firework display I guess
  16. Bet they saw a tidy little return on that investment! Had some great times down there to be fair, great little community back then even if it was a bit rough round the edges.
  17. I actually lived down there for a few years in my misspent youth. I've lived in rougher places.... like Beirut
  18. Who has said the Russians are occupying Kiev?
  19. What kind of sponsored walks have you been on where gunfire and RPGs are a normal occurence?
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