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Everything posted by BGD

  1. This is the recipe I've used with good results Might have to make another batch now you've made me think of it actually
  2. Looks like they won't be getting those Polish MiGs after all
  3. This is footage of a climate change prostest with different audio dubbed over it mate
  4. I'm not talking about the whys or who's to blame here pal I'm trying to get my head round how DC can think there's no/not much of a war going on there when the footage is all over the net for all to see.
  5. So there is a war you just don't think it's as bad as it's being made out to be? Any examples of this clearly doctored footage?
  6. Governments aren't behind any of that those have been (ridiculous) decisions made by private companies... The UK has taken in 300 refugees from Ukraine and don't seem to be in any hurry to take any more So you're actually saying there is no war/fighting going on in Ukraine right now? All the footage and videos etc are all fake?
  7. For what it's worth I tried doing a reverse image search on the pic and didn't turn anything up so I doubt it's from the cover of a book... Bangers is still full of shite 90% of the time though
  8. The bombs and tanks and dead bodies all seem pretty real to me?
  9. Reckon Putin will fold by the end of the day after this
  10. Unopposed by the main parties, folk still had to choose to vote for him.
  11. There was a Labour MP who cried about getting death threats after someone told her to get in the sea
  12. If someone posted a BBC clip of some documents in a language no one here can read and they were claiming it was proof of some pretty outlandish claims I'd be questioning that too pal
  13. Where's the proof? Or should we just blindly trust the Russian government?
  14. Always blown away by sandy's talent, to create something so true to life from pastels is seriously impressive
  15. I'm not sure I'd say the demands are "fair" (I mean annexing territory just isn't the done thing these days is it?) but I'd say they're a price worth paying to end the war I can see where kanny is coming from above though, Ukraine need some kind of defensive guarantee against further Russian aggression and I'm not sure what that looks like without them joining NATO/EU
  16. This is just getting silly now
  17. Because modern day Russia is very different to the communist USSR?
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