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thee undertaker

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Everything posted by thee undertaker

  1. sound MUSH cant tell you wear reebok clasics and trackiez with your hat on backwards CHAVI ...!
  2. price is a bit steep bud . . . i could pick something like that up at carboots for a couple of quid each . . . atb with the sale . . .
  3. its all fixed bud . . . iv been to shows were the judges just give the prizes to people who they no . . . . may aswell keep your quid in ya pocket
  4. or may swap for blitz lamp or striker variable and battery try me
  5. may swap for a deactivated .410 for ornamental purposes only , or 9mm blank firer p.m please
  6. hi all , im after a .410 cartridge belt size 34inch - 38inch p.m me with info
  7. :laugh: il buy it p.m me hahaha iv been looking for something like that for a while now
  8. anti bark collars off ebay £9.49 including postage , did the trick for mine atb
  9. iv seen plenty of old bacca tins like the 1 there for sale at car boot sales for a few bob minght start buying them and ebay them lol il be able to retire from peddling pups an selling game meat on the black market :laugh: (joke)
  10. let the vixens run for another day , unless instructed otherwise. its all about the sport not the kill
  11. (queastion) this place gets better :laugh:
  12. :icon_eek: wtf this has got to be a wind up . . .
  13. cracking looking pair youv got there bud . . .
  14. il give you £200 for it and stand bieng robbed . . .
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