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Everything posted by Winchester

  1. This is a 16 gun safe with 2x electronic safes on top of that and a small safe inside of that pickup only they all go together £250 sold
  2. Hi i have replied to all pms some items still left as listed
  3. Gen bloke

    loyal friend

  4. Tikka t3 light stainless synthetic in .222 comes with MTC COBRA scope 3-9x50 milldot lit ret wildcat mod sling bypod £750 ono
  5. Bushnell bore sighter £50 u caller £100 crass creek caller £20 1x sniper drag bag web tec never used £45 kOLPIN SOFT FRONT BAG FOR QUAD £40 All plus postage
  6. If i may surgest got to your local army surplus store they have the german lowas in at £65 at my local
  7. Well thanks To Tom & Ian Clark i can sleep a bit easier now as there fellas do what they say Thanks and can not wate for the next time we meet CHEERS LADS
  8. Who else is going ? i will be there Sunday
  9. Winchester


    I dont condone it but its probably the only way left if there goverments get there way,
  10. The 308 is a very good round veratile as well the army snipers still use it in the guies of the AL96 Built on the lee enfield action tryed tested and tested again the 308 will be around for another 100 years So you know the saying go with what you know is right
  11. Infac gun safes cheep 16gun £195 delivered or talk to Paul Hart
  12. Just a little one when you put your gun in the safe store it barrel down this stops any oil ingresing into your stock also when you get it out the buisness end isnt pointing in your face. barells are faceing the floor
  13. A bunny with a shot gun took ages o grt close enough poped it before i could reload a fox had it away cheeky sod trotted across the field with my bunny , so shot him later with the .222
  14. Its not to clever putting your email on an open forum mate use the pm part on here if some antie gets it your in for some real stick imo
  15. ??? I really cant understand your logic, i really cant. If no-one paid then no-one pays, simple. If someone pays, then someone richer will either pay slightly more to outbid him or the landowner will continue to put the prices up each year. There are loads of farms out there that will let you shoot, but people just dont like asking. The worst a landowner can do is tell you no! Anyone who pays to shoot rabbits and rough shoot is doing more harm for the sport than tree huggers in my eyes. It will kill it for us all. Here ,Here i couldnt agree more i had it happen to one of my perm
  16. Winchester

    Why me?

    Ever thought you shold have stayed in bed lol
  17. Hi all been a while i saw this topic on another forum and thought i might get some more opinions off your lads on here I like all shooters thought BASC FULL membership at £64 coverd you for anything that might happen ie plod takeing your guns etc I FOUND OUT IT DONT , anyone got better insurance cheeper that also covers your legel costs, I have found 1 that for £30 per year not only gives you all that BASC dose but also includes £100,000 legel costs Its called SACS , Has anyone else out there found anything as GOOD or BETTER cheers ooops didnt see the pined one
  18. Hi all dose anyone know of a breef that will work on legal aid or no win no fee to help a fellow shooter who the police have wrongly accused and made false aligations, email would be good or pm as i dont always have access to the site cheers all
  19. How long have you been at your new address? as under law your surposed to inform them within 7 days of the change, Hyperthetically your pairents are in posetion of firearms with out a licence , If i was you i would get the gun safe installed pronto and get them moved, sorry if it sounds a bit harsh but it can leed to a revoke of licence cheers
  20. Outlaw is a top bloke, and a good friend when you need one in bad times

  21. There is a chap in darby called Burny Garland he has a web site check it out
  22. Isnt that off PIMP MY RIDE if not it should be
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