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Everything posted by riflehunter583

  1. for sale .223. Custom remmington 700. Built by South Yorkshire Shooting Supplies. HS precision stock. after market trigger 1:9 twist barrel (shoots 50 -70 grain bullets fine) shillen after market varmint barrel covered in synthetic protective covering barrel is screw cut to accept ase ultra cqb moderator (great mod, well built and very quiet) group bellow half inch if I do my bit. weaver rail included in sale. £990. rfd or face to face. 07957301168. pics bellow:
  2. assuming the barrel is clean, your not getting parallax error with your scope not being focused correctly @ the range, your not snatching the trigger or closing your eyes when you take the shot. Its not to hard to tell if its you or the gun which is at fault if you know you were 'on the target' if you squeeze the trigger while cross hair is on the target AND your STILL on the target a second after the shot is fired (follow through) then you know the shot was on target and you did your bit then it could be a problem with the ammo/gun. why not try shooting at 50 yards to start with. mak
  3. if you want I will send you a copy of my eley subs trajectory for my .22lr. it took me ages of range work to make it. at 20 yards and 50 yards mine is centre cross. at 10/12 yards its about - 2 mill rads. Bellow centre cross. 30 and 40 are 0.2 mill rads above cross.
  4. I have come across a few people who have been having foxes run off using hollow points. They are best used for paper punching. like has been said, ballistic tip or soft nose (thin jacket) is best for fox as fox bodies are small and fragile. you owe it to the fox to kill it outright. plus its a good feeling getting a swift clean kill.
  5. 4 words: innocent until proven guilty. if your record is clean then why shouldn't you get your guns back?
  6. GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONs!! just like the tax offices. think they can do what they want when they want like little hitler's. I think they were just making it hard for you for what ever reason the decision maker had decided possibly based on what side of the bed he rolled out of that morning. glad you got it sorted in the end.
  7. heavy custom barrel 1 in 9 twist 26 inch good moderator ultra Ase compact weaver rail quick release mounts 6-24x56 scope sidewinder 6 oz trigger £1500
  8. Bipod Vanguard Equalizer 2 13 - 29 inch £55 posted
  9. U caller + remote control + loud speaker £65 posted
  10. Bushnel Elite 2.5-16 x50 mill dot. £310 posted. NOW SOLD
  11. Hawke sidewinder 6 - 24 x 56 scope half mill dot @ 20 x mag 30mm tube great condition comes with all bits as new. £265 posted
  12. its a fair old drive i stayed in marazion last summer.
  13. i'm in matlock derbyshire may travel dependant on distance
  14. 250 cci velocitors x 5 boxes NOW SOLD 50 remmington yellow jacket x 1 box unopened £5 or swap for somthing
  15. moderated shot gun wanted 3 shot. 410 20 0r 12
  16. i have one 4 - 12 * 50 with parrellex ajustment. map 6a excellent scope. how much would you give for it?
  17. i have for sale a nv laser n350 it has ajustable flood / spot runs off a small lithium battery i can see 200 yards with it with my gen 1 pulsar challenger on the back of my scope make out rabbits easily at 130 y £117 posted.
  18. It's like buying a porno and then having to pay to knock one out superb i would want each shooting experience to last as long as possible. if there is a charge for each shot
  19. feck me a farmer has just offered me a free deer on his land I'd better take him up on the offer if deer stalking costs this much!
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