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bracken boy

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Everything posted by bracken boy

  1. got to be honest id jump in if i thoughtthe og was in trouble thats just me, my dog ,
  2. when it really cold i just stick a tea towel under the dogs coat, cant hurt,
  3. hahaha saluks a wee bit wimpy hahaha thats a fact some of the ones ive seen but there must be loads that are not, i know for sure mine can be ,
  4. shell suits and trainers thats their set up with lurchers lol they have no idea, why dont some of the hunting hard men catch them and set about them, then when they cant walk thats them of your land
  5. in football the supporters talk so much crap because they have so much hatred plus most hate winners, fact liverpool is a great club and i respect, man utd are the same and as a man utd fan if it wasnt for liverpool setting the benchmark utd wouldnt be where they are now, so for the ones who have your hatred then carry on cus we at utd will carry on winning thats if man city let us lol
  6. just the two for me a wee whip x and and wee saluki x.
  7. again its down to choice, my whippx was done young then next couple of yrs then gave him a 4yr break, hes nw ten and thought id do him again so went down local vets who was doing 2 for 1 so happy nw.
  8. as a man u fan got to say we was poor, we stole a result and thats what you have to do, never a pen, defo a red both men was at fault but if your gunna say never a red then plenty of broken legs in the future, saurez needs to stay on his feet more cus u need goals,
  9. played hard and put everythink ito england but his legs have been gone nw for two yrs so glad hes gone, more pace at the back nw, plus he is trouble maker,
  10. never had a big problem with the police, they cant win either way, yes they have done things at times so wrong, but come on what other way is there? until i get a problem im behind them all the way, its the courts that are f*****g everythink up and the goody goody cant do that to a human organizatiions that are twisted.
  11. if you can afford to get caught happy hunting lads but it may be a unjust law but its a law im not breaking every week, went to do some shopping with dogs in back, got stopped and asked what i was doing and where going,shopping and beech, they checked car and let me go lol. make sure your car in good nick
  12. im not a cat person but totally out of order, kids with no brains with parents whos only working parts of their body is their lower parts, wasters
  13. topper, i know i had to o the same, my dogs hardly bark, they said this and that so told them to check out the lady whoreportedme shes got 3 or 4 gsd, never heard a thing after that,
  14. im with the cops all the way yes a few bad eggs but when you budget cut to the bone this is what happens, should have shot him and saved money we now have to forke out for this waster.
  15. its a result comes first game now sadly but time is always the best policy, bet they beat my team at weekend thow
  16. lets be honest thow if it is load and more than 1 dog id complain too, ive got neebs who come back from the pub bout 12.30 ish a.m let dogs out back and bark crazy at fresh air does my nut in.
  17. lovely looking strong dog leveller,
  18. that hibiscrub bath sounds interesting anyone else tried it with good results?
  19. i only care for my dog , if you see some of the fences or lack of them thens thats how many still roaming streets plus the owner on the piss roaming the high streets hehehe, ive seen police walk by while dogs off lead in high stree, whats that all about
  20. we need better dog wardens to protect propper dog owners, dogs on a lead does less damage than one without,
  21. hey not bad going you got 20 replys on your first post wow now 21 lol, so what do you know that we dont?
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