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bracken boy

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Everything posted by bracken boy

  1. Should have read your post lol, warm engine, drain oil, take off oil filter, retighten sump plug, take off filter replace new filter not forgetting to smear some oil on filter rubber seal and pour some new oil.into oil filter, some do some dont, screw on oil filter hand tight, replace new oil, remove spark.plugs and fit new, dont over tighten spark plugs,one good nip will do, start engine and let oil run.round engine and that should be it i think , oh make sure your car jacked up safe.. Best of luck..
  2. 13m socket for sump plug, a spark plug socket with rubber grommet inside the socket, a strong pair of hands for unscrewing the oil filter or a filter strap, somthink to drain oil into, then parts, oil, oil filter and spark.plugs...
  3. Next doors dog has got some eye trouble as green sleepy stuff , whats best thing to use please, just trying to save the woman some dosh as shes gunna take dog to vets,
  4. As a man utd fan ive a small smile on face but are liverpool finished??? No way, today they did their very best to get outta europe, they must make good tranfers because the pool fans are terrific fans who deserve better,
  5. Very close fight, nice to see a british fighter get the nod by the judges, one judge gave degale 11 rounds w.t.f.. Bet his black lab was glad to get home.
  6. Its wrong if you have a family and a decent high profilec job,, but if your single, a loner by choice, rich and pay your way then your life your choice to do as you want, being told what and how to do it really pees me off..
  7. LBC radio on now are discussing over turning the fox hunt ban, should be worth a listen.
  8. They was always going to cause trouble, tunnel vision..
  9. Who cares if right or wrong, hes away , he dosnt deserve a good ending to his life...
  10. Anybody who.thinks this rioting is right is in.my view a fooking bellend...
  11. Hes not proven yet until he gets hit from fighters who dont buckle so time will tell..
  12. Saw one recently errrm equalizer with denzil washington, enjoyed that a lot...
  13. Every good heavy did this, fight lower class fighters to learn trade, the time will come soon to see if hes a real deal or another dead wood floating...
  14. I wanted so much to vote ukip but couldnt as in scotland, so ok ukip are here but how long before they can be taken serious??? 8??? 12??? Years??? Are they good enough or brainy enough? I hate what europe are dictating to us so we need a change yes but by coming out is it all good????
  15. We are lucky to have them.both in there prime at same time, does anybody really think maradona is better than messi??? Who is ,, sorry was excellent
  16. When ronaldo is off his game he can still score, its always going to be a 50.50. As both are world class and both are performing week in week out, messi at his very best is a pleasure to watch thow ive gotta say...two very different players also...
  17. Foooking hating the whole idea of it, they shuffle around like they think their untouchable and own the place, a flame thrower up.the arse is whats needed to calm them down...
  18. If yaa take the gamble then take the penalty... Hate druggies end ov..
  19. As.ive been saying for years, dog wardens!!!! What is your job??? Identify serial offender, its not really that hard, go to.places where shite is high and do some work watching the, if the fine sticks then it pays for itself...
  20. If anybody on here thinks its bad just to leave it then.im shocked, in the right places ffs clear ur dogs mess up, if your the type not to then you really are a pathetic owner who just dosnt care, simple... I d love to see the.fines given and not contested then one day it will.be a cleaner place, do you really.not care??? If you clean it up then the d.n.a will.not bother you.
  21. Id say less, if hes a good son and mucks in round house then why charge £60? Now if hes a chancer then up to you...
  22. End ov the day its only april and its been a cracker to make up for a shite march.
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