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bracken boy

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About bracken boy

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Scotland, fife

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  1. What a bloody mess,, may and cronies are stubborn fictional brain washed aliens.. turn the light out ??
  2. Poor we thing, best wishes for you and family.
  3. Had to get someone out recently and that’s what they ticked on our sheet , been very bad at my bit this year
  4. I take it ficam d is the stuff most use??
  5. Love the markings on your grey brindle dog
  6. bracken boy


    Did anybody know that Hamilton is a vegan? I didn’t to be honest, yep alonso is a cracking driver, he’s got plenty of other cars to drive thow,
  7. Thanks lads , he wasn’t a 100% hunter as most of yours was but he did his bit, I was happy in the bits he did, missed lots as I got ready to take him out tonight as had to shake myself,, hey he had everything I could give him,, thanks..
  8. Had to put down my black dog today, never gets any easier does it, anyway he was never a problem and gave me 16 years so can’t grumble, night night bracken boy., r.i.p.
  9. We will always moan and disagree but it was a better minded England from the kickoff , ok we again got nervy and resorted to the same panic stricken mentality of the other World Cup England teams, but it was simple for me as Henderson desided to go sideways and back passing instead of how he started on the front foot, this system works but only if you commit with speed of foot and mind and thats what will undue us, just make us proud with effort and a attacking mentality and not a rabbit in headlights,, Kane scored 2 and I applaud him, did he have a good game as a striker? Not for me too
  10. I’m about fed up with there moaning to be honest, sad yes, unexpected ? No not really, shouldn’t have been as bad but always going to happen, next year be the same ! Same shite same boo hooos
  11. It's down to the owner to understand what the dog can and can't do, lighten his or her load, nothink stops them from coming with you , my black saluki x I started resting him at 9 but the brindle was still kean at 12,
  12. bracken boy


    It's the time off year get used to it, where I am in Scotland it's easy liveable but in some areas yes very unsafe, more to come I'm sure, all we can hope for every year is the non loss of life, glad I'm off the road driving day to day.
  13. Does this really offend? Really geez this world is so soft , Christian freaks need to shake themselves.
  14. Jukes ya tit, I wasn't moaning they was in the team just how many.. I'm over it ffs
  15. Watching this and after 5 mins I thought to myself! Where's the white lads? The goalie is white and that's it, how 30 years have changed things hehe.
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