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Everything posted by BunnyDoom

  1. My 16" CZ452 HMR won't do better than a 3" group at 100 which is very disappointing - I can shoot 1" groups with my .22 CZ452 16" at this range so I'm pretty sure it's not me! I've tried everything suggested by everyone on every forum I can find, and have narrowed it down to 3 possibilities: 1. Barrel damage in percepteble to my eye (crown or inside the barrel) 2. Barrel length - I've been told by several dealers that the etra half twist in the 20" aids accuracy, and there is also still powder burning at 16" 3. Windage - Where I shoot I'm near the sea and south downs and there are alway
  2. I have 2 CZ's currently and just sold another one to pay for another gun... they're superb, everyone I know who has one has never had a problem with them and they seem to be more accurate than the more expensive stuff! Beware second-handers and "ex display's" though - got stung with my HMR which groups about as well as a potato gun!!! - It's a tatty looking gun though and out of it's warantee so as long as you get a CZ new and from a decent shop you won't regret it! p.s. I have 2 x CZ452-Style's - rust free and durable, bunny and fox/bunny guns
  3. I like my .17HMR but it is a noisy fecker and bady affected by the wind, the ammo's expensive, and barrel wear is an issue due to the number of rounds you'll put down it and the fact they're so fast and copper coated! I use my HMR for foxing and the odd rabbit, but only because I have a .22!!! The HMR is an excellent choice for small game and the odd close-ish fox (up to 80yds), and it's my favourite gun simply because it's a small quick and flat round so I can just pull it up and shoot. As it fragments so easily nothing ever seems to run or twitch, and its doesn't bounce of hard ground li
  4. I nearly failed on my application as my referee said I had been out shooting with him - my FEO said this was illegal and I would be refused and my referee could lose his licence... thankfully my referee didn't say what I'd been shooting (and of course he meant a sub 12ft/lb air rifle, not his spare .22LR...:S) So I approached both BASC and Sporting Rifle and asked them their opinions and they both quoted the estate law "owner or his agent" which means I could borrow a rifle that isn't mine as long as I'm within sight or earshot. The BASC guy followed this up by saying - "I'm a professi
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