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Everything posted by hutchey

  1. It was cold but didn't notice until we were packing up.
  2. always go on the side of caution - best left til another day.
  3. Good reading to match the pictures.
  4. First Deer yesterday!

  5. i had the same problem, works well with winchester subs but when i tried cci's and another brand, the bolt was stiff. went back to the subs and its been fine ever since
  6. Good to know that info for future, cheers. Happy shooting.
  7. i've got the cz452 in .22lr and it's been great.
  8. Hi Sussex, i couldnt justify the cost given that i am still only on a .22rim with land restriction, only just done DSC and with not many opportunities round here to get more into it. I thought that if i can get into more stalking, foxing and get either more land authorisation or an open ticket and places to stalk then i'd spend the money on a good scope. At the cost of the binos if i could afford a top notch pair that i would have opportunity to use every day or at least every week then i can sell mine without making a massive loss.
  9. True, I wanted to get mine from somewhere local purely for reasons of if anything went wrong then I can pop them back in with no fuss.
  10. hi Dedger, i have actually and i am very impressed with them. Went out after 4:15 pm the other day and looked down the field to the woodland (140yards to start of woodland and another 150 ish to end of wood and next field) could see ok without binos but with them i could obviously see much further but the image was lighter to the point i could see a rabbit eating right through the woodland and into the far field. i tried them early am in the mist and again was surprised with the results. for £330 i think they are just as good as when i looked through DanW's Leica's. Just my opinion mind.
  11. after much trying in dimming light with various makes and seeing the differences, the ones that best suited my eyes and gave me the best light were the hawkes. even directly compared with a pair of swaros i could not tell the difference. guess my eyes are not that great or something so im now the proud owner of hawke frontier ed 10x43's
  12. i tried a laser with a friend and it was useless. as said above, if it isnt exactly bang on then everytime you put it back in it will point somewhere different. boresight to get on paper/target/whatever then use scope to adjust. IMHO
  13. Hi Pledgey - did exactly that at lunchtime and they said to pop back some time when it gets darker so i can try some that i think i like and see what they are like in dark/dull conditions. So i'll be popping in again when i can.
  14. Thanks indeed. Will spend some time tomorrow asking around
  15. After last Sunday with danw and comparing the visibility between his lei as and my borrowed pair this prompted the questions. Perhaps I'll try some and go mid range and then look o get the scope. Presumably mid range binos sell on easily to those in similar situations to myself.
  16. Thanks folks. I'm looking at using them for spotting generally, low light stuff, foxing and hopefully deer stalking. I wondered if I'd b better with spending more on the scope if I get a variation to my fac. Think I will take a wander to some places that have some that I can test. Oh, what are your thoughts on keeping the bino specs similar to that of your scope? Eg 10x50 for both or maybe 6-12x56 etc. Cheers and happy new year
  17. Trouble is I want to hold enough back to get a good scope. Binocs are just for scanning etc so that's why I wondered on the twilight numbers that are quoted on binocs.
  18. Hi, I'm having some trouble understanding binoculars. I've googled around and get the basics of say 8x42 etc but when i look through different makes the results are totally different. Getting them in focus is easy but the visible results differ wildly. the specs mention things like exit pupil, twilight and brightness (all expressed as either a number or by working out the square root etc of the magnification. these sums i've found even differ from what the manufacturers state. So is there an easier way to be able to work out what is best for hunting needs? I doubt my local shop ha
  19. I got cameo tape to go over my cz452 style as I found the barrel reflected the lamp so I couldn't see very well. Put the tape on and a mod cameo cover and its great.
  20. I have put my name down for the above for next year. gives me two things, a chance to go "home" and some time out in the countryside working and stalking! Mrs is even keen to come up and get involved and i reckon it would be good for my son to see what outdoor work and fun is like.
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