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Everything posted by hutchey

  1. Thermal scopes are too unreliable (if you look at the pulsars that keep needing to get sent back) not enough mag and unable to pick up if any branches etc are in the way of the shot. Then there's the price - way too high. Mind you that might be a good thing or everyone will be using them and shooting whatever they see in pitch black.
  2. Photon XT 6.5x50 plus 2.5x50 Yukon Doubler above for sale together bought in March or April, will need to double check. (receipt is somewhere amongst others and was bought from Night Vision Store) Hardly used, been out about 10 times in total with these. Boxes, leads, covers all present in vgc. £400 posted UK mainland
  3. T20 with new AS pill or the T50 with same Nightmaster is an option but overly priced
  4. In the grand scheme of world poverty, lack of simple clean water and sanitation or food for millions around the world, who the hell cares about 1 lion? (that statement is sweeping but is meant to be thought promoting and not aggressive or argumentative) We might not all pay stupid sums of money to hunt, stalk, shoot, whatever you all want to call it but there's enough hypocritical folk on every forum that could be argued basically does the same thing to their quarry. (Whatever it is - makes no difference, it's only got the media attention as they are becoming increasingly rarer these days)
  5. It would be if the op wanted to know about a .22 hornet My mates .17 hornet will group 1/2" at 200yds with his homeloads, it's a savage, i am just waiting for my cert back then i can pick my cz .17 hornet up. Are you replacing the 22lr or other then Ian?
  6. Some interesting points and making me think about my rifle choices. If the 17 hornet / Rem is flatter, more stable and quieter than say both the 22lr and 17hmr - that might be a better idea. (getting close to rabbits to use the 22lr properly is tricky sometimes as they get used to things and become skittish) 223 just makes too much noise (even moderated) and rips rabbits apart so can't really sell them on as i'd like to. maybe the 17 range is a way to go. Just wondered what others were experiencing.
  7. Entry level Hawke would do very nicely on an air rifle
  8. Hate to ask a dumb question but you've played with the ocular focus and main focus haven't you to see if that works. Without the IR you should still see a fair distance in pitch black conditions.
  9. you shouldn't need the cap on in the dark, supposed to be off. For air gun ranges a T20 would be more than enough.
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Blackhawk-Tactical-Rifle-Ammo-Cheek-Pad-and-Accessory-Pouch-90CP02BK/251583459417?_trksid=p2055119.c100022.m2048&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122153843%26meid%3D46de2f6ef4554da999fc32bec04579e5%26pid%3D100022%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D261852092161 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AIM-TACTICAL-CHEEK-PIECE-RIFLE-BUTT-STOCK-COMB-RAISER-AMMO-HOLDER-GREEN/131300361635?_trksid=p2055119.c100022.m2048&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122153843%26meid%3Dddbb4aaef396441da1deec53ec013d00%26pid%3D100022%26rk
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261852092161?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=560700854319&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  12. Odd that you mention that Rich, yes i've had a few like that recently. Thought it was just down to dirt in the mechanism etc
  13. Just got back online, I ordered the same at lunchtime
  14. T38 or T50 standard IR or the new AS IR pills
  15. just to jump on this thread after the last few funny comments - does anyone on here regularly do any target stuff out to 1000 yards and if so what are you using?
  16. Be totally honest, they know and can find out anything......... Do some research and know a bit about what you might like to shoot (clays, rabbits, pigeons or whatever) Careful here though as there are conditions on some species. Security, Common Sense, more common sense and a further dose of common sense job done all being well.
  17. Had mine out to 283 yards yesterday on standard mag in daylight at the range. Works a treat.
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