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Everything posted by hutchey

  1. i need something that is above 200 without an additional t20
  2. I'm interested, what's the range in dark? (realistcally)
  3. Bloody wind blew one of my high seats right over next doors fence (and this thing isn't light at all)
  4. Hi, I got it sorted thanks to the help of a guy that lives locally and has another t20 and a photon scope. It was my batteries i had. replaced them as per suggestions on THL and hey presto. Am now going to use that setup on my air rifle instead and get a photon for my rimfire.
  5. I love this night, pity I have to be up at stupid o'clock as I have several wee drams I wanted to enjoy
  6. This weather is just a real pain, got my first permission for foxes yesterday and the weather is just shocking, fields too muddy for vehicles and the wind is just swirling
  7. my scope had variable mag from 4 upwards and i hardly ever had it up past 4 or 6. 6 for night time and 4 daytime was good for me
  8. I know, i know brave or stupid decision, time will tell. I hope to get on a permission for rabbits and i've noticed with the bolt actions that when there's a fair few rabbits, by the time the 2nd has dropped, the rest have usually gone back to burrows. I've tried to rapid bolt but its just too noisy at the appropriate range. So thought i'd give one of these a go as i've heard good things about them. It was either that or apply for a 17HMR and go further out range.
  9. Sold the cz 452 and am looking to get a browning buck mark semi auto with photon 5x42 scope.
  10. Sold my rimfire and sent it off via my RFD to the recipient's RFD yesterday. Sent off the variation request for a "like for "like basis. (Or whatever it's termed as) Just waiting for its return so I can get a replacement rimfire with night vision! Trouble is I've just had a tax bill of £3,500 through the post! Ouch!
  11. Copper or lead equilibrium I think it's called
  12. WOW, just makes me want to try to get one even more.
  13. Who the heck would want to lose their ticket? Mind you, I haven't heard or seen any folks in blue out checking my way! There are p***y poachers around here, easy to spot with their vehicles and frequently shooting off the back on a local lane. Farmer went after them once but he got his 4x4 smashed in for his trouble. Personally, I'd love a head as a trophy, just the one mind and after I'd have stalked it. Meat would definitely go in someone's freezer. Not sure how we stop this without calling out the folk in blue every time we see poachers.
  14. Great round that is, my rifle loves them.
  15. Congratulations Jammer, the first is always a great feeling
  16. Ferrozinc cures rust on them like a treat too
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