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Everything posted by hutchey

  1. Says it in their blurb. I'm not normally one to bother about such things but as I've barely been able to get out and use it due to the weather.
  2. Vitara's seem to be getting a load of nods. Then the Cherokees but then again that's from the proper off-road boys and girls who don't have much normal road work to do
  3. Are you kidding, there's next to no ground clearance on them!
  4. Not sure the doubler is the way to go, nullifies the warranty apparently. Plus it's not bad with the normal IR. Gotta think that taking shots past 200 yards in pitch black isn't really sensible.
  5. Don't mention the weather Rich, you'll jinx it!
  6. Wish i was closer, i'd snap that up
  7. Just got mine through today and it seems like a great piece of kit for the money! Got it mounted on my 243, bore sighted and then a few confirmation shots at short range and its pretty good. Bit different to look through than i'm used to with a day scope but very usable on a 3inch target at 100 yards so far. Hoping to go out tonight and have a play and see what i can see through it. Will add to this thread once i've had a play with it.
  8. Fallow I think, bit hard to see that far through some trees to be 100 percent sure
  9. We weren't needed today as the guns were going to have a walked up day.
  10. At last, some sun outside and the birds are singing, chickens are scratching about, fox in the distance (I'll get him later) and OMG a deer in the field behind mine! Have seen signs of them a mile or 2 away but not actually in the immediate vicinity. Long may this weather continue as I can even see some rabbits. Pity I don't have my new rimfire yet!
  11. Ouch, that must have been painful! Well done guys.
  12. I can testify to what IanB said having done that
  13. Put my variation in post last Thursday lunchtime and got it through post today.
  14. Snipers measure temperature of barrel, bullets and ambient temp anyway!
  15. my cz i was touching the previous shot hole at 75 yards with winchester subs. I'd expect the t bolt to be just as accurate once its found ammo it likes
  16. If you have to ask, you can't afford it! Lol. It's one of these that determines your extent of happiness then makes up a number. In all seriousness though a rough idea of a base price would be handy.
  17. It was a cracking day hutchey, shame you couldn't make it. Dan was on form......... the b*****d! He put on a very good show of birds, especially for an informal day!!! I had to go out for an hour pigeon shooting on Sunday to reassure myself that I could actually shoot! Hope you enjoyed it mate by the time I left the pub I was staggering fairish plenty of banter and a nice few birds about all in a good day with good company p.s gotta love they .410 Was looking at the 410 in a shop last week when I was rfd'ing my rimfire to its new owner. Ho
  18. Sounds like you guys had a blast lol Meanwhile I was getting battered about all in the name of charity for Taylor Made Dreams! Got back to find my high seat had been blown into the field next to where I'd put it. Arghhhhhhh
  19. cheers, no good for me then as my t20 will be on the scope and i don't want to be keep having to look through the rifle just to spot out to that range.
  20. oh ok, its mostly for fox, general use and rabbits
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