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Everything posted by Elmer_Fudd

  1. I just feel that for the profile and size, the HW silencer offers as much for hunting purposes, and to be honest a lot of my shots have been at 30=40 yards so the report of the HW is nothing... Just my thoughts on this. I have lep the x3 for look. But sure as nothing when I have the cash will change it out for a HW... Gareth
  2. The R10 I bought a while back had an x3 fitted, and I have to say its not as good as I would expect. I would happily use a HW silencer.... Just my thoughts!!! Gaz
  3. looks a bit fishy is you ask me haha... but worth a watch! Zini, loving the technical explanation mate Gaz
  4. Yeah mate, defo is I certainly have been a busy boy mate!!! despite not having sorted work or a job yet i am good and can do a bit of shooting!!! Gareth
  5. Hello, I have been very busy as of late and lost touch with a few people mainly Zini (Si) an Davy t 63 (Davy T) sorry boys!!! How ever after a very busy n hectic personal and stressful academic end to University ( woop) ... I decided yesterday morning after getting over the alcohol from the the 'celebrations' I decided to go see what the new R10 could do... So after over 6 weeks not shooting or going out I though lets go see what's what, with a stroke of luck as well the sheep at permission I had yet to shoot due to the sheep being there, had moved them on BONUS!!! So I got my s
  6. Got a full tin of Acupells or however you spell it in .22 looking for JSB exact in .177.... Gareth
  7. R10 is killing crazy... took mine out last Thursday awesome kit!!!! Regards Gareth
  8. I think long as I have a full time job after uni, ill be there with the R10 woop woop!!! Gareth
  9. Mine has been milled to fit the x3 flush fit bit it is not milled into a silencer i don't think mate. mine is .177 and I have used the pellets that Si recommended to the previouse owner Andy, falcon accuracy plus. Gareth
  10. Hello mate, sounds like a possible one to get old of buddy! i will text when i get chance about going out again, University and Personal issues getting to me right now but haven't forgot about the hunting mate. Gaz
  11. Hello mate, I like the luck of that recently got me an R10 mk2 its lovely, but i dont want to take it out in the rain haha ... I might get a twink for mine mk2... Looks very sexy!!! What pellets are you using through it?... Gareth
  12. usually a last resort on bad days pack the gun away hoping a bunny pops out haha !!!! ATB
  13. good guns sold one for 100 notes few weeks ago...
  14. looks like it yet to try it, as been out at a tournament today so not had chance will try and let all know. Si, Yeah used a pillar drill mate. friends dad had one haha... so ill see when i test it... Gaz
  15. Sorry davey I have been at it with a training session for me paintball... but i wasn ignoring you, spoke to andy and i am in no doubt he wouldn't try to mug me off so i am cool... think its the X3... i have drilled the holes to 6mm now so plenty clearance ... finger crossed soon as i get to shoot it i will mate!!!! Thanks mate Gaz
  16. Think it is all sorted i think... haha so hopefully ill be out shooting some vermin soon lol !!!!
  17. Just had a bit of a blast with it in the garden (25 M and my garden is surrounded by about acres of fields lol ) it isn't shooting very well right now....
  18. Sorry R10 M2... is beautiful!!!! haha
  19. Dear THL Members, Yesterday I had an epic journey, Lichfield to Wiltshire.... way further than I thought haha . so at 5 o'clock I set off towards the M5 and then well, I did get very lost several times haha. Then the ding of the petrol made my arse twitch... luckily I was able to get to the services with 9 miles to spare which was about the best thing of the journey. however I got there, well near enough, so after a ten minute wait I was greeted by Andy of here friend with Davy and Si. Well all I can say is a top bloke and very friendly as he stood and chatted to me f
  20. si, Looks like it is coming along very well mate, looks like ideal for the ratting at the farm buddy top job!! ! Gareth
  21. right, as for selling first to get the cash here has the gun so i make no apologies, sorry life is life!!! as for the ultra still here!!! it is multi-shot, no reg fitted and yes providing the seller covers costs i would post and any damage would be for the seller if caused in transit. Gaz
  22. hello Boys and Girls, Well its another one of these type posts , well I can see both point that run through the heart of this thread. Moreover the fact he was trespassing OK is wrong and reporting him is a valid point and should protect the general public. However I can also see the image of the sport is important, the more land owners see this more they refuse rights, people get fussy and life is hard; but who can honestly say they have not taken a shot which was questionable (by this mean every shot has potential to go wrong, its only experience which reduces risk) or shot a bunny whi
  23. quality ratting... is the ultra .177 or .22 mate? Gaz
  24. Hello Si, Yeah mate ill ask the lady see what she thinks haha ... The pistol shooting from the women in the video looked amazing by the way, what a shot. When is the next meet mate?... Gaz
  25. Wow i did miss out haha... great shooting from the ULTRA go ULTRA .... haha and an unfortunate one with the springer for LJ . Nice to see the Hawke scope in action and performing well... Hope to be at the next meet haha . Gaz
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