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Pete Nicholls

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About Pete Nicholls

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  1. PISH anyone that thinks any of that is true needs there head read that is a pile of shite as is fathers for justice I'm not surprised by this response. I didn't believe it until I experienced it, neither do thousands of dads each year that I help support - not all of them at the same time obviously! I can understand the doubt but I'd urge you not to take my word for it but do your own research. Yesterday Sir Paul Coleridge (Senior High Court Judge) spoke about his disgust at what goes on in the Telegraph, look up Christopher Booker of the Telegraph. Here are but a few of the
  2. As it happens, I came across this site / forum whilst seeing where my daughters video was being posted. I cannot speak about our case as it would potententially be illegal. However, in general terms to answer the question what reason would a court give for banning a child and father being together it's worth establishing a few facts most dads never realise until the light of family courts hits them: fathers have no rights to their children in law - currently there is a review (FJR) which is recommending making this even worse and including grandparents. so, only a mother will have any right
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