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Everything posted by Peter4190

  1. Free to good home if anyone wants them 8 months old ish not been handled much but friendly enough based in Cheshire pm for more details
  2. My mum told me Father Christmas was real but turned out to be a lie
  3. It’s in labour top priority list and it even says they are going after country sports within the first 12 months of been in power, they think there should be footpaths everywhere and the right to roam across anywhere, I’d defo vote reform but it’s backing a dead horse and taking votes away from conservatives and allowing labour to get in and f**k the countryside and people’s lives who live in it
  4. I completely agree mate but REFORM. Are never going to get enough seats in parliament so all the people voting for reform are just playing in labours favour taking votes off conservatives
  5. They will be better than labour will be
  6. Could be wrong but I think u will have more sport with the white one, both stunning looking dogs though mate
  7. My missus is taking kids abroad next week so that’s my holiday staying at home with my dogs in peace
  8. If labour scum get in we’re all f****d !!
  9. Defo still firing live ones ?
  10. Not bone man but the best greyhound vet about Mike Guillard he’s in Cheshire
  11. Nice mate I saw theses pups advertised an looks smart, keep us updated
  12. Are the just whippets or anything else in the mix ? How tall are they now ?
  13. I’ve got a def jack here now and it’s a f****n pain on walks sometimes but most of the time I turn round he’s there so not too bad, he will be around for a lot longer yet as he has always done right by me and given me so much sport over his life time so I will return the favour and give him what I owe him
  14. Ha wouldn’t be going out there in the dark, all those big cat sightings
  15. Why is it wearing a jumper in the house ?
  16. First dog an it’s half saluki lol ur brave good luck, get a decent pair of binos so u can watch it disappear in to sunset when it catches it first rabbit
  17. Yer I don’t really notice a difference of how it grows back and to be honest I was a bit worried about that before I did it but just got sick of stripping him 3 times a year and he didn’t really enjoy been stood there for an hour an half having his hair pulled out, now it takes about 30 mins and my fingers don’t hurt afterwards
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