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Everything posted by Joejoe

  1. Im harderly a master with my air rifle and iv only got about 5 bunnies with mine but you want to go when the rabbits feed. I find its in the early morning when the sun is just coming up or just as it starts going down. This site might help with finding them and how to shoot em, good luck http://www.how-to-hunt-rabbit.com/finding-rabbits.html
  2. Thats a whole lota replies in a short space of time. Im glad its true, sounds like great fun because I like ferreting but theres nothing worse then netting a load of holes and getting nothing. Could anyone point me in the direction of a book or website that says more? Would love to give this a go Cheers
  3. Hey everyone Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but was my first logical guess! I was talking to a fairly drunk old fellow the other night and the topic turned to ferreting. He started to tell me how he used to use dogs to 'mark' holes. In short (and with out the bull he padded it with), his dog/s would point holes that had rabbits in. I had to leave for my taxi but the next day I was keen to find out more. Does anyone know about this or have any kind of information on how its done, what its called or what dogs are used? Thanks JoeJoe
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