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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. I tell the keeper on my permission he keeps good rabbits :11: :11:
  2. What you going to use it for?.....do you need a gut hook as suggested? This is a handy knife, suits me for my needs.. http://cgi.ebay.com/New-WINCHESTER-GERBER-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. The main place I go ferreting on doesn’t suffer the myxi’ problem, I won’t say it doesn’t happen there as I did come across one last year with a mild dose!....Where I ferret there is a serious problem with rabbits,…fecking dozens…nay hundreds of them as some of you will recollect from your visits down here but for some strange reason it never gets a grip on the rabbits in the particular area I’m referring to but travel a few miles to the other side of the hill and you will be hard pressed to find a ‘clean’ rabbit!...Sandy areas appear clear and chalk is rife with the dreaded
  4. Fecking unbelievable!.....What does one have to do to be sure of getting a dog back?...tattoo your name and address on its belly for all to see!
  5. Started last weekend down here, all rabbits seen so far are in tip top condition and no rabbit kits seen either! Took last years hob with me to bolt a few for Meg’….. He did well during the morning and even caught one himself above ground….. And bolting several for Meg’…… These are just a couple of low quality pictures… keeping the good-un’s back … :whistle: I will put some ‘good action’ shots up at a later date….
  6. Yep those were the days :whistle:...you'd never have believed it if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes...:secret:.. :11:
  7. What were the injuries JD?...any news yet?
  8. I can't call my dogs off either when their on game.... :11: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't even call mine off the sofa... :11:
  9. Friend of mine has an old Lab’ that has got to an age where the aches ‘n pains are causing discomfort. Rather than got to the vet for expensive treatment what would you guys recommend by way of herbal remedies etc?
  10. They'd of taken the boxer away in a fecking body bag if it had attacked my dog :realmad:
  11. imo better to re-programme your DVD player to play DVD's from all over the world. I reckon it's a cheap trick for the DVD recording companys to control the DVD player manufacturers in an attempt to force customers into buying DVD's from suppliers in their country rather than buy abroad, same disc less price elswhere than UK in most cases :realmad:
  12. Dunno if it's still the same web site but a while back I went to www.dvd hacks ... or something like that, it will then give you all the details to 'open' up your dvd player for ALL regions
  13. They sit tight enough to be trampled by cattle so they will sit tight enough for combine imo
  14. :11: ...maybe you should start... ...Only kidding Haggler ...Too many bunnie huggers that cop a strop even if you kill a dirty rat so it's less hassle with out the picture! Went out for a quick dazzle this evening, one slip one catch
  15. It was by far the most expensive shoe I've ever been to and in no way a 'countryshow' imo ...Those that had to pay nust have been bitterly disapointed to pay so much just to see all the double glazing reps etc...very little at that show to do with the 'countryside'
  16. Her old man must have had a screw loose, who the feck has 14 lurchers for christ's sake!!! and no provision made for their future. Too many whacko's keeping too many dogs and it just creates heart ache for others! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Apparently, Mike, some where pups & a few of oldies, the others still working. I am used to dealing with this amount from the racing industry, (flapping mainly) But never had this amount from the lurcher world. Please folks....think what will happen to your dog's if this happens to you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hear what you
  17. Her old man must have had a screw loose, who the feck has 14 lurchers for christ's sake!!! and no provision made for their future. Too many whacko's keeping too many dogs and it just creates heart ache for others!
  18. MikeTheDog


    Them little Chinese feckers are pretty clever with their acupuncture ...I'd have given the dog an asprin :11:
  19. Just read a few posts :11: ...what a load of imature bitching women ...that site has feck all for ferrets or ferret welfare, well not the crap I read anyway :11:
  20. :11: @Moll....no one cares about ya spelling Moll, just keep putting up interesting pictures and posts You cauold awlays kut 'n payst from werd :11:
  21. Never had the problem myself!.....I just keep an eye on what any youngster eats, pups eat all kinds of things and throw up so I'm sure ferret kits can be just as much trouble given the chance, ...trouble with ferrets, they can't chuck up like dogs 'n cats so the foreign bodies have to pass through!
  22. Far too much imo ..... I wouldn't pay forty quid for a family ... Thing is though people pay the money and the show was a success with huge numbers in attendance (got my ticket free gratis). The show organisers are getting greedy imo and making it out the reach of familys on a tight budget
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