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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. Nice looking dogs guys Dodger, can you not turn the date thingy off on youre camera?..Spoils the pic'. jeff.s, smashing looking dog there, nice shape and colour shame about your poxy fence.
  2. Don't count ya chickens yet lad..
  3. This is her bringing back the one above. Is this normal having to make a new post for each uploaded picture? Duh!!!!!....Here we go again. [bANNED TEXT]'s wrong?...Tried to upload in a new post and still got this message ....I give up "The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments."
  4. Just for you Molly She's a big strong girl now..
  5. Never underestimate the humble coney ......Find a nice peaceful field with a few hundred rabbit holes and stick a ferret down ...The more runs the dog gets the better it will get... They will get there in the end..
  6. Duh!..Sorry, course they're different!
  7. Local TV/electrical shop, get a connector for your aerial to TV
  8. ..Er..is that twelve experienced jill's that have been mothers or twelve jill kits from experienced mothers? :whistle:...Or!...Are the children of the pest controller experienced at something?
  9. Has your jill given birth?
  10. Hi FK,.....Feed proper meat. rabbit and the like but try feeding late when it's cool and less flys about. As you put fresh food in take the old stuff out, it will be mainly skin 'n bone but still attracts fly's/maggots. Keep an eye on your wee charges and also feed them during the day when they need it but keep the portions small to reduce the fly problem. Afew maggots won't bother the ferrets, just don't let the meat go sour ..Got any pictures of your kits?
  11. In that case don't think about treating with Frontline Moll, save ya money and don't have any risk of side effects. Fleas are a b*****d when you get an infestation, whether it be the house dog or furt's. If ya ferrets get fleas change the bedding and they should be able to deal with the problem in time.
  12. Rough handling could damage any young animal but I doubt if anyone would push that hard into a kit's mouth...or would they
  13. These kits were snapped at two and a half weeks old, one was just starting to suck on meat
  14. Just enough to cause them discomfort, works best if you have one foot in the bucket ..They'll probably stop on their own accord Molly. Do they need de-fleaing then?...Wouldn't bother unless they picked up a load from a fresh carcuss
  15. lmao ..it's 'Ferret Whisperer' you dinny..
  16. No problem Millet, I understood where you were coming from ...I had a biter once (over night) that a local keeper found on his estate, must have been ferel for some time ...Was the only time I've been bitten good and proper by a ferret, had a few quick nips and quick releases from startled ferrets but pleased to say never had a vicious ferret. Imo you must be confident, as I am with my ferrets, and safe to put your hand down a dark bury amongst ferrets and rabbits with out being bitten Ginge, there's no arguement on the subject, just people airing their views ...Oh and chilli throw
  17. No Chilli I don't think I know everything and I certainly don't look down on anyone ..Still learning everyday and still look up to the old school If your ferret had a litter and then went mad maybe she was being protective towards her kits!..Or didn't you think of that!...Or did you mean she went mad after they had gone?......I know some women that got post natal depression ...fecking mad or what ..Chill out chillie you think everyone has it in for you
  18. Well done Moll ..Can't knock the welfare places, ferrets go to good pet homes and maybe working homes
  19. I would say dog's and ferret's are two slightly different animal's to train... .. Just imagine trying to boot or whack a ferret with a stick like you do a dog.. :whistle: ..the poor git would not last 2 min's.. . Millet I've never had a dog that bites so I've never had to boot or whack a dog!...Or for any other reason You didn't get the question did you Millet?...Nor did any other fecker ... OK let's put it like this!...Does your dog bite you?...No need to answer cos I would imagine it does NOT!!. Why?.....Because you socialised it, you gave it a good upbringing, you treated
  20. ...When do.... babies stop crying, pups stop whinning, pigeons stop squabbling!...When they're grown up and weaned
  21. Good method that Ricky,..feed 'em finger!...Always works ...Unless..you have a bad 'un!
  22. I don't see a problem with giving them away free either
  23. Never mind the spelling TBF.. ...it's the stockmanship that needs fixing ....Eye kut and payst from word :whistle: ...sometimes
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