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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. The first set of pic's were on sandy buries, hence the dust ... A good setting makes a picture imo.....and a good looking dog of course!..
  2. Not been posting much for a while so thought I'd show you what Meg' gets up to... Beat walking round the park!... And some more.....
  3. i use t hinges galvinised Er, they don't look galvanised .... I have the same on my ferret court, been working for nearly eighteen years with no trouble. ... As suggested, use some WD40, or some washing up liquid
  4. Best to go for the 'snip'...some reckon the full monty works but I aint too sure about that... Just booked my young hob in for the snip,...£48.50 incl vat
  5. Before I had a 'jaffa' I used to take my jills in for the jill jab the same time the dogs had their boosters, cost about £9 for five jills added to the booster bill! 'Jaffa' op' will cost between £45 and £85 depending on your luck and where you go. Well worth the investment even if the cost is the higher figure, a well cared for 'jaffa' will do the biz for eight or nine years
  6. Assuming they aren't both 'silvers' and the grandparents were not bred to close you wont have any problems imo. I know you should not breed to close for obvious reasons but,...try telling wild animals that.. ...It happens in the wild!... Good luck and fingers crossed
  7. Don't forget, in some countrys ferrets are bred mainly as pets not workers
  8. Sandy beaches are good for helping dogs etc get better from foot and leg injuries, but not every one has the opportunity!.... Take your dog to the vet and find out what's wrong
  9. Maybe it's 'cos moat ferreters only go out ferreting for the craic, just a couple o hours now and again, where as only a few go at it proper on a regular basis with a well proven working stock of keen ferrets and perhaps a good dog..
  10. Good husbandry.. Edited to add,...I do hope it was raw pheasant and not cooked bones your ferret got hold of!
  11. Eighteen inches should do the trick
  12. Can't get the link to work, here are the pic's..
  13. A couple of years back, October 2005, Meg’ caught this ‘wild black’ and returned the wretched thing to me alive! Until that moment I had never seen such a bad case of Myxomatosis in a living rabbit! It’s reckoned that most rabbits that catch it will die in seven to ten days as a result of this hideous man induced disease, usually from dehydration starvation and probably hypothermia as well! So bad was this example that if I had not ‘zoomed’ in on the image you would find it difficult to be able to tell its arse from its ear! The image link below shows the demise
  14. Canon 350D and Meg's collie/grey'/whippet
  15. Not sure if this will work!... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v446/Mik...=1172943009.pbw
  16. Me too!.. ... Thought maybe he'd bin nicking the plugs off washing machines again.. ...Happy B'day Nov..
  17. Er!...Could you translate old chap
  18. I live in a very large village, sea is five minutes one way and country five the other!
  19. He may have a cold!...Ferrets catch same as humans/cats and dogs ...What bedding do you use?
  20. MikeTheDog


    Moll. why pay good money for something that is imaculate inside?...All them dirty dawgs feet, dead rats sneaked in and hidden, ferret and rabbit piss ..... Get some thing tidy on the outside and functional inside imo. I paid a bag of sand for a ten year old 2.8 TDi Frontera with a years Duke of Kent and new ticket with 132k on the clock. Too much money imo but needs must and all that ...Been perfect so far!
  21. MikeTheDog

    What have

    I'm still here L'bitch..Trying to spend more time with my Meg'...
  22. Might be kennel cough!...Buy some kiddies benylin, dogs love it, and follow dose for children. If you think it's more than KC check with vet.
  23. http://www.deer-uk.com/fallow_deer.htm
  24. You got plenty then Mitch?... I never took you for a Sheila!..
  25. im not sure if im write but i thought vat was 17.5% and not just a £1.00 £1.06 in fact.. ...But what's a few pence between friends
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