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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. You'll get a little more out of your bitch if she's spayed as you won't have a problem when she breaks down, she will not be at her best for a few weeks.
  2. I only retire a dog when she doesn't want to go out hunting or go down the pub with me. As long as they are doing their job marking catching and able to get up after a bad tumble and enjoy a long mouch they don't need to retire in my opinion. But then I'm only a hobby hunter and a soft fecker that doesn't run his mutts ragged....
  3. Try the battery in the knokka box!
  4. Back to basics! You could also try hiding from him when he ignors you after first call, he will soon panic and come looking for you. All the time you are shouting at him you are just telling him where you are so he is happy to carry on doing what he does safe in the knowledge that you are still there, reinforce your position in the pack as the alpha! When mine are hunting up in front they will always check to see where I am and come back when called
  5. It's pretty wet down south, but the dogs are having a great time as most rabbits on a certain place I take them are up top due to flooding.
  6. No. Although she is very much like Meg' fortunately she is a BETA and totally submissive, just what I need as Meg' is a dominant ALPHA...
  7. Meg' is whip/grey/collie and Fen's father is non ped whippet 'One's Cushti Bok' SRSC
  8. Great to see your own pup coming along. All these numpties that want a ready made dog don't know what they're missing!..
  9. Young Fen is getting to grips with catching coney. Strong prey drive quick and very agile.. Not very good pictures I'm afraid, getting to grips with a new lens.. Only advantage to this dreadful fecking weather is the rabbits have to sit up top as most of their buries are flooded in this area..
  10. Have you got the space to keep them at home? Too many dogs in a confined area can be a serious problem and end in injury or death if they don't get on. And, it's a 25% increase in dog poo to clear up,,,
  11. Gave the dogs a stretch this morning. Pup coming on well Blends in well with the back ground and her mum... And a perfect retreive to hand from Meg'
  12. Chop the ciggy connection and use one of these... You should be able to get these from a garden centre or electrical wholesaler.
  13. I've raised several pups on Beta over the years, no problem with the food but that's just my opinion. They've all grown up fit strong and with good brains,...they've even been known to catch rabbits..
  14. Why? Depends what you want it for imo.
  15. how when i stated pm,s please?????? This is a forum for like minded people who like to follow an interesting debate. I assumed your PM's please was refering to those who could offer a suitale dog. You will never get away with a single post on this or any other forum. Like I said, good luck this should be an interesting thread,....with input from others of course...
  16. .....Good luck! This should be an interesting thread..
  17. Very difficult to over walk a pup, when it gets tired it lays down for a rest. More important, make sure it doesn't run too far/too much chasing rabbits Common sense should guide you....Have fun!
  18. Each to there own as they say. My dog is worth more to me than a rabbit..
  19. I bame it on the parents and grand parents!...No disipline these days.
  20. Wher are youu doing the training?...Only reason I ask is because mine won't retreive dummies out in hunting areas, too many interesting smells to worry about a scanky dummy, but they will in the local park!
  21. My young'uns got through the fence and stripped the neighbours black berries, and Meg' goes in the fridge and helps her self to fruit and what ever else she fancies.
  22. Mine arrived today, exactly the same packaging as the prescription I purchased from a local vet to deal with problems caused by eating/chewing/retreiving live to hand slugs . All the numbers etc are identical on both packages. Copied from the www.... Advocate flea treatment kills and/or prevents fleas, flea larvae, roundworm, heartworm and ear mites. Advocate for dogs, also treats other parasites including currently being the only commercially available product for lungworm, which dogs can pick up from simply eating slugs or snails. What did your mate purchase Millet?
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