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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. This reminds me of 'Arthur'... I'm a retired astronaut now a gynaecologist and in my spare time I race cars...Well close!...I'm semi retired due to redundancy, now I dabble but do mainly fencing and landscape gardening. Fecking love it, three/four day week nine/ten months a year
  2. Not a very good picture I'm afraid, the longnet in the picture is a light blue and it caught the rabbit ...And as you can see it had plenty of time to see it . The reason for having it so far from the bury was to allow Meg' to have some sport...oh, and to get some pic's..
  3. Pup's go through the 'ugly' period around four to five months.... ...Meg' went from this .... to this.... in the space of fourteen months...
  4. I’ve never seen a rabbit turn from a light green 10/6 handmade net yet…. Although this white jobbie caught a few the rabbits more often than not turned away from the heavy white mesh.. Whether it be black or white one things for sure!.....With a dog on its arse coney aint paying too much attention to colour… Heavy nets will turn a rabbit imo whether it be a mass of white black or even green. A decent handmade net or even the mass produced 4z/6z webs that most here use will catch well no matter what the colour is.
  5. A while back someone posted details of a mincer that was capable of dealing with chicken carcasses and rabbits at a reasonable price. If anyone remembers could they put a link up please..
  6. Are those tiny jill's or large hob's!!!
  7. we can always go to tesco car park together mike ....
  8. Any more simulated coursing events happening?...I'd like to get along for some photography
  9. MikeTheDog

    car radio

    Your service book will have details of the supplying dealer, give them a call as they should have it on record.
  10. Was he given to you 'cos he bites I wonder! A ferret that bites is unusable imo, buggered if I'd put my hand down a dark tube with a vicious ferret lurking below . Rabbit hutch is probably way too small imo, going by the crappy examples seen at PetCity . Ferrets often nip when they're young and soon grow out of it, but!...them that attack every time they see you . Check him out, teeth and gums etc. He may have a bad tooth or a piece of bone stuck in him somewhere
  11. She's coming on nice there socks! .... Seems like only yesterday your heart missed a beat when she had that nasty injury
  12. You must be refering to the three door Frontera.. LWB 5dr Frontera's are a pretty big motor, same as the Trooper.
  13. Get yourself down to the local car breakers for a bottle jack ... Surely your local Daihatsu dealer can sort you a out a handle?
  14. That's a good deal Dawn!...What you upgrading too?
  15. I'm impressed! ...Very good knifes there!
  16. Classic! You were lucky your mate was there with the digger..
  17. The bait box's were empty all but a few crumbs of blue grain. Maybe the traps were sprung so the keeper didn't have to bother with them over the hol's. Ditch, the third and fourth pictures show both ends of one trap.
  18. No! ...I came across several of these set-ups and they were all sprung in the same manner. I'm no trap expert but I worked out for myself that the hazel was placed in the entrance to encourage the rats to take the correct route. Ditch,...Lots of greasy rat runs all around the area of the traps. The bait box was a simple set-up, hole in and hole out with the bait to one side of a piece of 1/2 x 1/2 timber keeping it in place, I will attempt to take a pic' soon.. Forgot to mention!...No, there was no access to the tunnel from the top, the Fen traps were placed at one end just insi
  19. Remember a while back I posted some pictures of tunnels through a hedge?..I can't find the original photo's but these are the same tunnels with some soil added. They were constructed to attract the rats to use them as highways during this shooting season. I don't understand why this tunnel has been partially buried, if you look closely at the top pic' you can see some metal work of the trap. As it was foggy yesterday I was able to have a mooch around with out being seen by the keepers and came across several in the near vicinity. Also some neat bait box's by the fe
  20. Better suited to rabbits imo although they will give longears a good run..
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