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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. You mean they 'stalk' your king..
  2. Nice looking ferrets there Magwitch .... Not often you come across ferreters argueing amongst themselves... Well, I slung a rabbit in for my lot yesterday morning and by lunchtime today they had turned it inside out. Rabbit once a day, chicken carcass's morning and late afternoon and plenty of water at all times.
  3. The size you need for them buries where the entrances have collapsed leaving a large hole, or as a mini stop-net on a run through the hedge. Where would you use one and how big would it need to be? ... Lots of places to use one!
  4. I did once... raked pathways along down and up a steep bank covered in bracken just so I could get a clean drop...
  5. Unlikely to have been crow's in that number, they're solitary critters when out and about whereas rooks and 'daws like company. Rough shooters have been known to use captive ferrets out in the field as rook bait
  6. looks like 11 to me, I use 18. You two are obviously new to the net making game ...Just because there's only a dozen or so knots on a ring doesn't mean it's only that many mesh's wide. A lot of the net makers on here make proper nets, starting at a dozen maybe then going out to the desired size and then back into a dozen
  7. Don't you have telephones where you are Pegleg.. ...Directory Enquiries or Google! Have you been to the vet yet L'boy?
  8. Best not to mention all the hocus pocus suggested here just in case he gets the knock...lol...Just tell him you're worried and could he put your mind at rest Gotta say though, it does look pretty fecking gruesome, at least it aint bleeding!
  9. Well here's my two penneth ...Imo if the dog is scratching the wound it's because it's infected. We've all done cuts to ourselves especially the ferret owners.. and I'm sure some have noticed itching and heat around the wound, that's 'coz it's infected. The four hour rule that some one mentioned, rubbish! In the past when my dogs have torn skin on a Sunday for example the vet tells me to bring the dog in on Monday...If it's not bleeding and obviously only a skin wound. Where I am the vets use AB's to fight infections that might have got into an open wound. After a day or two the skin at the
  10. And a very fine net it is too Netrigger! ...I had the privilege of running my sticky fingers through it recently!
  11. A picture paints a thousand words! Visited a local Cash 'n Carry the other week, Ox hearts at 90p kilo.
  12. Excellent!....That's the way to do it..
  13. More like they don't want all and sundry letting off rounds on their land. If I want to go shooting on the estates I hunt on I need to call the keeper to check it's OK. Just imagine if I went on as and when I wanted without bothering to check, some other lads may be out with rimmys or stalking roe...that's how accidents happen. Some keepers don't like lampers on their land because they get disturbed when a neighbour calls them in the early hours telling him they've seen lights over the fields. You gotta look at things from both angles guys ....Like someone said, just go and lamp the fields an
  14. Welshy,...Nice first and second pictures but them third and fourth hurt my eyes..lol To coin a phrase, "Nice pics mate 'ow's it bred"... ...Stunning looking brindle that, I can see the bull. How are the feet?
  15. Cracking looking pup, good luck for the future
  16. Fecking 'ell Kreet!...That's a bit drastic just for a broken nail ....
  17. MikeTheDog


    I've been with AOL for a few years, their call centre used to be in Ireland I think, well the technicians used to sound Irish.. ...They spoke better English than the thick feckers in Bombay!...AOL lost all my address's and couldn't sort the problem, few months later they lost them all again so now I'm going to O2. Socks, if you use Internet Explorer instead of AOL's home page you won't loose your saved favourites every time AOL feck up.
  18. ...Unless I'm mistaken Baytrill is a little on the bitter side!...Taste some and see for yourself. It's always good to vary AB's if your animal has to take them often for obvious reasons but ferrets present an administering problem..
  19. If you're using Synulux 12mg twice times a day is the usual dose. I prefer to use Synulux as it is tasteless and easy to get the ferret to drink milk with the crushed tab' in it. Do the usual bathing and check over of the ferret looking for wounds etc.
  20. Cruel! ..... Mind you it aint any different to some of the lads on here letting their dogs rag a dying fox rather than dispatch ASAP..
  21. Five times in the last twenty or so years I've had the same farmer come up to me while I've been walking my dogs on a public footpath and under control and he always tells me he shoots dogs that cause problems etc. ...Next time I shall call the police straight away and tell them someone has threatened me with a firearm on a public footpath!...ARV will be there in fecking minutes. If the gun ho fecking farmhand takes another shot at you call the old bill immediately and tell them. The police will do something about it!
  22. They often only use one corner as a toilet so you should be able to get them to use a litter tray no problem. Why not put a 6" board around the mesh side of the court to stop the shavings spilling out!
  23. That's what Sylvester Stallone's mum tried and look what it did to his face!
  24. Hadn't heard of that Frank!...Looks like things are turning full circle, lurchers were bred to disguise greyhounds in the middle ages now it looks like bull x's are going to be bred to disguise lurchers...or have they already!!!...
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