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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. No Carlsburge out there Scent... Only Tusker
  2. Right guys 'n gals, lighten up!...Too much silly fecking bickering in the longdog section, let's cool eh! So,...what 'appened next?
  3. Make sure the best box is well ventilated and you won't get the problem of damp and mould. Just a hole in the front for entry is not enough.
  4. Have you a local equine/poultry suppliers? My local branch sells twill aviary panels, If you're not handy with DIY buy some of them and screw them together
  5. Dog's aint keen to pick up a myxi rabbit..
  6. Do you mean you can't tie a clove hitch knocker? Try this http://www.goals.com/vyc/knots/clove.htm or get someone to show you how they're done.
  7. Why the vet???? Being that small it's most likely this years kit and not eaten for two days. Tinned food isn't the best stuff to give a ferret but if it's hungry just get some grub down it. Bet that ferret turns out to be a cracker, bold and adventurous.
  8. What rings were you using ferreter? Maybe you can now understand why people that use the quick set method buy the proper stuff!... Persevere grasshopper persevere
  9. I googled the Belgian Hare and, "The ideal age for the female Belgian Hare to start breeding is about 9 months of age. The first litter must be born before the female is one year old. The reason for this is that after this age the pelvic bones fuse and she would not be able to give birth naturally. They should have no more litters after the age of three years." Attempting to cross breed would be a non-starter imo, even if the hybrid managed to overcome the genetic problem of being unable to give birth naturally. A project worthy of the late D Brian Plummer...
  10. No, the meat isn't riddled with anything. If you so desired you could eat the meat yourself, but I have to admit the myxo' cadaver does not appeal to me in the slightest :sick: :sick: :sick:
  11. The fleas jump off a dead carcass soon as the temperature drops and lay dormant in the vegetation 'till the next warm bloodied animal passé's.
  12. Are you saying you've got a small arse then?....
  13. Pound to a penny it's the jill's first season!....They will soon get used to the nets, either picking their way through carefully or going under the edge. My hob will often wait in the entrance if the net is in the way. Or as stubby says, use longnets.. Sniffer, never taped my collars and never had problems with damp. Tape imo would just ad more bulk to the collar for snagging.
  14. Might be small to you Kay but it's the world to the ferret...lol My old jill had a lump on her chest for a couple of years, she was too old to be messed about with imo and it never bothered her, some times it would almost disappear and then come back over night.
  15. Ferrets can catch most cat and dog maladys and also human influenza. Having said that I've never had any of my ferrets inoculated against anything and none of them have had unatural deaths, and I don't know anyone whos has inoculated their ferrets. Good husbandry and keep your ferrets away from shows if you suspect any outbreaks of disease in the area.
  16. Depends what you're retireing it from. Does it run thirty/hundred rabbits a night four nights a week or is it a bushing/mooching/ferreting buddie? My old lurcher was still up for a bit of ferreting at fourteen but would stand and watch deer and hare get up in front of her.
  17. Victor, try this link! http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...=29084&st=0
  18. You mean 6z of course. Get out and cut some hazel wands after school, they won't cost you a penny.
  19. Not a fault imo skycat, that's what ferrets do in reality, we just prefer them to chase the buggers into the net. One reason why I work smallish jills, less likely to kill when they catch and more chance of the rabbit getting away to bolt. The hob ferret tends to be a more vicious worker imo, chase catch and kill! But, they do tend to move on pretty sharpish for the next coney, blood lust like a fox..lol
  20. I should add, always let your dog gp to the bowl the ferret is eating/drinking from, you know how bitchy dogs can get when something trys to take their food...lol
  21. One of the easiest thing to do when the dogs are steady and young. Sorry for the poor quality with the older pictures, digital camera's and PC's hadn't been invented then...
  22. My 1st thought would be a bad tooth matey Now that you mention it mate one of her fangs do look a bit sore but how would it cause a cut on the underside of her jaw An abcess will find the easy way out and she will have been scratching it like mad. If it's a bad tooth get the vet to pull it and treat her with AB's. Check her mouth to see if she has a splinter/bone in her mouth/throat. She's probably thin because she has not eaten for a couple or three days.
  23. Any pictures of the gurlies with their puppies
  24. It's an option when buying new. http://www.deben.com/field_sports/ferrets_...et_finder_3.php
  25. Never wormed a ferret in twenty years!...Never seen dead worms in their scats either. I think people worm ferrets because they see the worming stuff on the shelves.
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