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About MikeTheDog

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    West Sussex UK

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  1. Think I've found the post, any pictures of pup? Is it a bitch?


    • Wanted
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    Any lurcher pups coming available soon? I'm after grey/whippet or collie/grey/whippet. Happy to travel for the right bitch pup.


  3. Pup wanted. View Advert Any lurcher pups coming available soon? I'm after grey/whippet or collie/grey/whippet. Happy to travel for the right bitch pup. Advertiser MikeTheDog Date 13/01/22 Price Category Working Dogs and Livestock  
  4. Disconnect the track rod ends and check for seized top and bottom swivel joints.
  5. A well captured picture . Nothing wrong in running rabbits in the snow imo and with as many dogs as you like.
  6. If I had a wound on my arm as big as whippet08's dog I would be down casualty or repair it with those sticky strips soon as and I bet you mum's and dad's would take your kids to casualty if they came home with a similar wound to their body....But at the end of the day it's only a dog and not covered by the NHS!..duh.
  7. Stitched up it will heal in seven to ten days, left open it will take weeks!
  8. Not a good idea to put your address up here Robert!...There's a lot of scum/dog thieves that trawl these web pages.
  9. A good picture is worth a thousand words!...You may not like the pictures that people post here you might even think they're of poor quality. I like to share some of my pictures and the majority (I think.. ) like to see them. I don't post them to 'big' myself up I like to share and remember good times out. And yes she caught it...
  10. Some mate!....Telling you you've made the wrong choice. Good cross you have there, have fun and tell your mate to get lost.
  11. Beautiful pup!...Hope you have many years of fun with your first lurcher, they're addictive!......
  12. It's pretty rough in some parts down my way, needless to say I would never run my dogs on this terrain unlike the local 'caravan club' who regularly drive across these fields and tip their dogs out on sighting hare or fallow.
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