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Everything posted by Wales1234

  1. I can see where you coming from ?
  2. Iv seen dogs like it mate , I had bullx 10 years ago my daily walk was through 100s sheep and up into the hills , then one day it smacked one and took the rest dogs with it , next day and for couple days after nothing I didn’t trust him after that and he didn’t stay long but strange thing sheep
  3. Seems all fine today so will have her out tomorrow ?
  4. Yea she’s had couple injuries last year or two where’s she’s lost pace and not slowed up when she’s needed to ?
  5. It wasn’t fun and wasn’t pretty tbh , and after 8O minutes of rugby yesterday my body is f****d but she’s home on the sofa my two live in the house so we’ve kept a eye on her
  6. Yea she’s give me some sport mate , that’s the problem I try to leave her behind but she plays hell and end up taking her ,
  7. She’s slowed down mate , she’s had couple good days this year but if we have a good hunt or a long walk it’s 2/3 days off before she can go again , she was 10 this year
  8. It’s what iv got on my doorstep it not much game wise but you can have some real fun ! And got to get dogs to suit , what iv noticed is between my two bitches is the old one is smaller and taken a lot of knocks and cost me a lot of money fixing her but my young bitch is bigger and doesn’t take the same knocks
  9. Was out early this morning really cold and was excited to see the dogs finally getting some good scent , 100 yards out the card one got up and young bitch didn’t see it but she knew exactly where he went gone out of sight old bitch isn’t what she use to be and couldn’t keep up so just totally lost it and came back was watching the tracker and was nearly a mile away and could hear her speaking so she was on him , I could just see her in the distance when she disappeared found her sprawled out first thought she was dead but she was just knocked out , carried her back to the car and all seems ok
  10. Collie greys mate , bloke walks some serious miles ! That footage would of been snipe bits that when on those dogs would hunt for miles not for faint hearted
  11. Can’t have happened mate , mr hull said greys can’t go over 20 seconds so they can’t simple as
  12. Me and the misses were out on the hill one day and bloke walked passed us mid winter in shorts and t shirt carrying a bag , bit strange but nothing crazy couple days later in a different spot same guy same clothes same back but 10 miles away i froze and she was tapping me asking am I seeing what she’s seeing ? still no idea who he was and why but very odd
  13. Wales1234


    I’m quit lucky me and my brother run a electrical business together and put most out stuff through there , our vans trucks misses fuel and phone bills , but we’ve both got a rainy day fund tucked away shit can hit the fan very quickly and got to be prepared for the worst , I think if you want money it’s out there to be earned you’ve just got to be game enough to go and work for it
  14. 99% of the walk , bullx walk over 2 miles shut up you sausage
  15. That’s next , Iv seen the light
  16. I don’t always check but I know That pointer x bitch has clocked up over 20 miles on a hunting day when we’ve been out a fair few hours she’s done 12 miles in 2/3 hours regular
  17. That’s the dog mate I only did about 4 ?
  18. Had my first proper afternoon today , been doing couple smaller walks but first time hitting a spot I know holds what I’m looking for ? oldest bitch is 10 now as stuffers abit after ?
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