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Everything posted by Wales1234

  1. Im over the moon with her atm mate gone out alot infront of her next season hopefully
  2. Sky's now 9 months old nearly 10 and coming on she's been ferreting and lamping caught a few on the lamp don't now if she will hunt up yet as she's yet to miss hopefully gone fill the freezer a few times over very fast and bags of stamina
  3. Yee il be down with my pup she's got more of a brain than the other dog !
  4. Dog just didn't take to the hurdles last year haha
  5. Also my uncles got a ridgebackxgrey x colliegrey x bullgrey she's a powerful bitch great on the hill good nose and stamina to burn !!
  6. My bitch isn't the biggest only 23 bu she's a powerful thing she's about 5and half now helping bring my pups on worth her weight in gold
  7. Around my way a beddy wouldn't fit to ground on most earths are old rabbit holes and very tight my black bitch is very small
  8. Yee Paul the one I brung up last time
  9. Yes missy will run all night in mos conditions and he doesn't mate it easy for her I got a strong bitch here half cross bullgrey me and him been out with the pair battle of the half crosses haha
  10. Use my patter dale for bushing so must have a nose
  11. Sounds like heaven tbh mate !!
  12. I'm not looking to start one anytime soon if ever was just woundering how lads have started packs that's all
  13. How did you guys start your own packs did you have it handed down by your fathers or did your just start you own? How did you get permission to run a pack on farmers land because can travel a fair distance ? I'm not looking to start my own pack maybe one day as i do love the hounds !! Cheers for information
  14. Got one that nervous around the yard and kennel but soon as she's on the lead and only different dog all together
  15. Got two young beddy crosses now the bitch is showing promise very quick the pup is on 11 weeks he's out of workers looking forward to seeing him come on
  16. Been giving him goats milk an calcium tablets now for a week legs have straightened right up he come on leeps and bonds ! Thanks for the advice lads
  17. Iv know boys with beddy bull greys and they seemed to do the job pre ban its all down to the individual dog and how it's been entered
  18. You usually catch me on the lamp but much rather day time myself more fun watching the lurchers hunt up pre ban of course
  19. Got him goats milk and calcium tablets now hopefully will sort him out
  20. I got him on puppy pedigree tons and biscuits at the moment and advice on diet
  21. I've got a beddy bull grey pup he's 10 weeks old and today noticed his front legs are bowing he runs a little bit then falls down any advice ? Thanks
  22. Had a spaniel x beagle crack little dog
  23. i hope it grows into a decent working dog, is it bred in wales? yes bred in south wales Also got a bitch lurcher with beddy in her coming on well
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