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Everything posted by Wales1234

  1. I know of a beddy bull grey 10 year old does the job he was bred for
  2. With my old man it was behave or don't play rugby haha had a few mad moments over the but my and the old guy have a good understanding now haha
  3. Aww I f***ing wish I could !! Would be class !!
  4. Theres a bloke on here makes them very good fits into a ruck sack lovely flyfox I think it was !!
  5. And we all know all the top dogs come from wales
  6. You do sound smart sometimes jai when speaking to me because we both now I ain the sharpest tool in the box haha
  7. Tell me about everyone's looking forward to summer carn wait for it to be over !! Keep us updated on how the big felllas going !!
  8. I love this dog !! One day I will be one man and his dog and that will be a collie cross !
  9. Hes doesnt stop mate we lost him for abit on the weekend the old sit down on a rock and wait haha
  10. He goes on the hill aswell mate keeps up with the lurchers well
  11. Be 2 year old niw june ! Thats all she does mate I lamp them till I think they now there quarry then day work it is !! Starting to really range well now
  12. The blue bitch is deergrey colliegrey x colliebullgrey and the fawn dog is beddybullgrey
  13. Not sure then mate iv had dog and bitch pups in the last year neither been skittish and havnt got enough experience to say why yours are being like it ! Only thing mine are up on my uncles yard they are always around terriers adult lurchers and farm animals !
  14. Looking for a chest freezer something to keep meat in got a freezer now but got shelfs in and doesnt store alot pm me any info thanks
  15. Have you had them both from young pup or bought in later?
  16. If I had kids I wouldnt either ! Those photos are brilliant love seeing the youngsters out with the dogs !!
  17. His sons only 3 and loves him playing the xbox ??
  18. Had the agurement in work with boy I work with his boy loves the xbox same as my mate always playing it together and I said if I jave kids they will be out learning the country side climbing tree jumping in rivers and hunting as I did and he replyed but thats dangerous I think best place for youngerst is out amd about with the dogs how times are changing !!
  19. Great stuff mate sorry to hear about the other dog mate !! My little hound is going well doing exactly what I wsnted bushing and on the hill got my little team ready for next season now !!
  20. Bang on RAW much rather catch 10 a few times than 50 once and certainly if I was in it for numbers id might aswell give up !! My uncle brought me up to just enjoy being out in the fresh air watching dogs do what they were bred to do !! There's no greater feeling that hunting all morning then having feet up watching tv with the same mutt stretched out next to that's what it all about !!
  21. It all boils down to the aslong as the dog pleases you what matter does it make?? My bitch sky would make a cracking lamping bitch but its not really my thing yeaaa shes lamped and run well but my passion is hunting and iv seen dogs that would make top class day dogs but are lamped till they no longer want to range and hunt there quarry comes down to personal preferences ! I might be a chopsy little shit when im out but I do taking in alot what the boys I hunt with say but sometimes what they think is a good dog is I dont and dogs I think are goood they dont again come to your personal pr
  22. Youve got to think of game you have around you ! My little bitch will go out knock 12 over on the lamp and I will be happy as punch as there hardly anything around me but I know lads in other areas wouldnt be happy with that !! Also some lads want something out of there own dog to keep for themself can not see a problem with that !
  23. Had my old bitch because a friend was getting out of the game as didnt have the time and needed to keep a roof over his family's head ! And she will not leave my kennels for no money offered !! Im a young lad and think I handle this bitch pretty well not all youngsters are idiots
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