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Everything posted by Wales1234

  1. Talking love island my X girlfriends brother is on it this year ?
  2. I nearly buried the both them
  3. She’s only 1/4 pointer mate rest collie and grey plan is to put a halfx on her if I find one I like being worked how I do
  4. One half x I’d definitely have is gwp x grey , they’d be robust , good feet , good coat , have hell of a nose and plenty in the tank , be strong as a ox
  5. I think gundogs are massively under used in the lurcher world for mooching day time hunting partners
  6. I walk mine at 5 every morning , before work and weekends , till it’s cool enough to get them out straight from work
  7. It’s summer mate , I lock my dog’s up till September now , feed them with a slingshot
  8. Just went out and got myself a coursing bred pup
  9. Sky and both her stoppers off last year mate hasn’t made a difference fingers crossed she’s back to normal come season
  10. Didn’t say Scotland did I? I said flint in the south
  11. I can bet you I have and caught abit on it aswell
  12. Actually I’ve run the flinty land of the south a good few times aswell ? and up to Scotland few times and Sussex Cornwall Devon anywhere else ?
  13. To flat for me that ? yea she marking there
  14. I will bring my younger bitch and I won’t bullshit anyone and say she’s a good lamping dog she’s not she’s a out and out day dog but I will have a crack with her , I still think your a f***ing loon ?
  15. Tbf if IF i was in to lamping I’d properly own something with coursing blood Iv seen enough to know that but I’m not so there’s no point , I keep what works here , but I’m massively interested to see these super dogs and I’m pretty straight il call it as I see it ,
  16. Oh and it’s guaranteed poaching so we are probably gone have to hide in a hedge at some point
  17. Basically his coursing dogs catch hares , on wet ground , but also catch everything else and they don’t miss ! He won’t come down and prove it but we’ve got go and run his ground doing his way for him to prove this dogs are the best ! Oh and he can also see a hare 500yards away
  18. No point if you don’t come down and prove they are the best I ain’t coming up
  19. I don’t have a hare dog mate ?
  20. I will only come up there if you come down here simples , you can go shooting your mouth this shit that’s shit come run your dog’s
  21. What about a pointerx seen many them?
  22. I’m not walking 20 mile with my dog on a slip rather finger my nan
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