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Everything posted by Wales1234

  1. Being doing a hell of a lot for Cardiff council lately ! Worst houses Iv been in and even worse spec ?
  2. Radio helped me , massively she tended to cool down the howling , she barks every now and then but more manageable than before
  3. I was heavier handed when I was younger and would stress out if the dogs weren’t doing what I wanted day time , but Iv chilled out a lot and realised they know better than me , also they live with me now instead of my uncles yard so have a much better working bond and I can keep a close eye on any knocks , they spend a lot of time knocking around the house aswell
  4. Jesus Christ , sounds like a living nightmare ? I thought this pup was bad whinging and picking the terrier up you’ve got your hands full ?
  5. It’s the rolling in shit for me drives me f***ing crazy ,
  6. Use to live around Grimsby when I was young ? old man play there for 4/5 years
  7. Tbh if I diet tidy and train it falls off me usually , been a busy month and I get married on the 11th September so after that I can focus abit more be alright rugby starts probably November 13th be fighting fit by then
  8. No rugby for 18 months and summer off the dogs ?? be gone by Xmas
  9. Bullx straight over my pointer then lovely looking mutts
  10. First comp In a good few years looking forward to it ? and the food ?
  11. There close mate , if we are out and the other dogs are crashing about playing the old bitch will put herself between the baby and other dogs
  12. No mate visiting friends and don’t like to leave the misses with too my chaos while I’m away ?
  13. I went away the weekend to see some mates down south England took my two younger dogs and left my old bitch behind , my misses sent me these while I was away apparently she’s not my dog anymore and isn’t to be work ?
  14. Mine run into stuff in the day , it’s unavoidable sometimes , had a good couple accidents in last 20 months literally a week after my daughter was born I had to get my misses to ring vets cause my bitch gutted herself on a barb wire and since then it’s be vet trip after vet trip it’s been 4/5 grand lucky had a good bit back cause there insured
  15. I let me mine just free range Tbh , usually cause the older dogs don’t they don’t and the sheep become part of the scenery , current pup has been pushing her luck with the sheep but the ewes have twated her a few times
  16. No clue , you keep chasing the hares and il keeping doing what I do ?
  17. Aye cover 35/40km a day not a lead all day ?
  18. Different type fitness here really more of a Marathon , the ground I run can be hard all year the rocks don’t soften
  19. It’s only 6/7 weeks till September , you think 6 weeks ago was end of may it be here before you know it !
  20. Everywhere’s hot if you listen to everyone ,
  21. Hill , hill and more hill , out day time hunting can’t beat it ! I do a little bit of lamping and bushing but my true game is the hill !
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