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Everything posted by Wales1234

  1. Yes he’s put a pure gwp over one them should be due in a few weeks
  2. Million dollar question mate Iv rattled my head over it and still not set , I’m waiting to see what dai dogs comes out with , still got my eyes and ears on to see what else is being bred ,
  3. To be fair the bitch I have her now , has got the ability to do abit of everything , it’s down to me not showing her why she doesn’t , she’s never seen a ferret or much of the lamp but she’s fast , clever , strong enough for everything , collie x grey to a pointer grey Iv enjoyed working her does just the job for me , apprentice is due though this summer it has to be with her turning 8 in August
  4. People have different needs best dogs doing what I do all have collie in there make up at some point
  5. I do like abit collie in a dog see , few people say no collie but I think it’s got its uses
  6. Im going to get the popcorn
  7. I was thinking about him just this week , always at the other of the phone if need abit of advice or general rant about something I do miss him
  8. Iv seen boys using sport dog or dog trek both seem cheap and crap , we lost the dogs and were making there way back only the garmin could find where they’d been and we’d found what they had caught
  9. Aye no phone signal and your f****d garmin can drop pins of locations see how much the dogs done that day , tell you it’s marking everything , the new uk ones got even more features
  10. Won’t beat Garmin’s
  11. Iv got 1/4 splash collie the rest grey ! She can really fly the black and white one
  12. Yea she caught that one said no signal because she was in a ditch on a banking
  13. They need to be searching for scent aswell they do my old bitch had none and some the best Iv seen are collie bull grey aswell had my bitch at this distance this week
  14. Pups need as much time learning as possible and if there’s two pups there going to mess about and play and not learn , as white van said you need a older experienced dog doing the job for pup to follow , its not a simple as getting a pup and just take it out ,
  15. The pure bitch had something wrong with her milk Iv looked at that and it’s not possible I wouldn’t be looking if I thought was chance of breeding my own she does everything I want just not got the pace , you need to be using a greyhound really think anything with less than half grey is going to struggle out on the hill also you can’t run more than one pup on the hill it doesn’t work people have tried and failed it don’t work
  16. That’s what you want them to do hunt on , that’s why there not as popular like I said most boys lamp Iv got a pure and 1/4 bred her id love a half x but genuinely can’t find one
  17. The vast majority they don’t suit , there’s better breeds out there for lamping dogs and most people lamp , there’s not a lot boys doing what these dogs excel at really I think that’s the problem
  18. I can’t get my hand on a halfx for love Nore money it’s a nightmare
  19. Only reason I’d just a pure grey is for a pointer first cross purely because I’d like to try one , otherwise there plenty boys around here with dogs that work the hills and quarry we’ve got, Most boys put pure hounds on the lurchers and go from there
  20. Be different hills down here big dog
  21. It’s a good base for where you want to go next
  22. He done much mush or you just looking for a pup out him
  23. If you want hill work and lamping , I’d find the hardest collie dog you can find and use that if just hill work stick a hound over it plenty packs around will let you use a dog There’s a very good pure pointer in aberdare supposed to be some animal aswell
  24. Bullx aren’t working no hill for you mind
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