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Everything posted by robinmcleod2

  1. cracking pup good luck with him
  2. oriit evearyone just wondering if any one has a collie lurcher bitch for sale but the only problem is it will have to be at least four month old. thanks anyway rob.
  3. nice looking pups you got there mate.
  4. ive always had bitches dont know why but just have.
  5. ive got a deerhunter montana jacket with the fleece in mate. its been brilliant for me warm and waterproof with alot of handy pockets.
  6. mine get a bathing in warmish salty water and then a spray of cut and heal from wilkos. that always does the trick for me.
  7. Thanks for all the replies and help but its now swapped. thanks rob.
  8. anyone want to swap a striker for a lance but it has to be in good nick because mine is and it comes with a red filter. reason is that it drains my battery pack to much. thanks rob. by the way this is a very good deal.
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