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Everything posted by robinmcleod2

  1. well done mate good look in the future
  2. i think they good dogs mate theve been brilliant for me.
  3. nice dog and pups have you caught anything with her did you buy the blue mearl of hancock thats where i got mine from
  4. theres a red rash on my ferrets belly like little dots does anyone know what it could be? rob.
  5. glad hes better should be going out soon
  6. thanks mate have you got any the same way bred
  7. nice dog best of luck with him
  8. nice looking dog what you going to catch with her, good luck with her
  9. nice looking pups mate what way bred are they
  10. sorry mate arl try and get it up. REW shes two and ive caught rabbits and hares shes raced a couple of foxes but they were two near a wood and lost them in there
  11. nice looking ferrets look like my polecats except the albeno
  12. this is the mother but they not for sale already sold them
  13. shes a 1/8 beidy 1/8 border 3/4 greyhound
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