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Everything posted by mat_p

  1. i dont get it sorry i think you mean you pay your money you take your chances but i may be wrong. sorry lad
  2. thanks mate if the right litter comes up tomorrow id be made up but if it takes me a year source what im after then so be it i dont think its a massive ask to get a well bred puppy off a decent working home or is iti suppose time will tell.
  3. well after a little while getting over the death of my old dog im ready for a new pup but im finding it hard to find a pup that matches what i want seems like most litters these days are bull crosses or saluki crosses and they aint what im after i want a bitch for rabbits mainly ferreting and lamping theres a few crosses that i like whippett greyhound being 1 collie whippett greyhound being another and finally a beddi whippet greyhound or even a mix of all dogs mentioned both parents must be workers and be able to be viewed and more so i would like the breeder of the litter to actually care a
  4. thanks guys No I won't there's plenty of dogs about at the mo but I'm not after a bull cross or anything with saluki in it saying that I'd have a lurcher to lurcher breeding aslong as the parents are top workers.
  5. Thanks guys the first post was a little vague the full story is my brother and I hunted together but he passed away and left behind his three dogs I tried to keep things going but it was to much as the dogs were split all over the place as I couldn't have them all at my house due to space so his girlfriend give them away to a farm without me knowing then 2 months later my dog was pts. with cancer my mum and dad have got the only dog left a lakey Russell bitch what I use for the rats I did dig to it once but I just lost the buzz after all that went on it was a lot but some of my best memorys of
  6. strange way start a topic but ive been a member before but havnt posted for along time so forgot my log in etc its not just hunting life though i havnt owned a dog for a couple of years after my lurcher dog got cancer and was pts and my brothers dogs gone i was at a low with it it all so spent my time fishing instead but like an itch that wont leave me im really missing having a lurcher in my life ive been going out with a few mates recently and really enjoyed it so ive asked my wife and she thinks its a good time to get a pup but its got to be a working dog and a pet to her so im thinking co
  7. yeh ive been getting out abit weathers really mild i had 18 in a night just before christmas only little uns to 16lb but good sport for december i had 6 the other day in as many hours i think its got alot do with water choice the place ive moved onto as good winter form firstly its shallow weed free and at 12 acres small enough to find a few its good to get the confidence up until spring.
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