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About tony_l892

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  • Birthday 09/10/1989

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  • Interests
    lurchers, terriers and fishing
  1. ill try and get some an give that a try , cheers !!!
  2. i sold my pup last year because i didn't have the time due to work an i got offered him back on Christmas eve so jumped at the chance at getting him back but when he got here i noticed that he had 2 bald patches on his back legs and his elbows were bald aswell . i asked the boy i had sold him to what had happened to him an he said the boy he gave him to had put him in a kennel with no bedding , i thought that the hair would have started growing back now hes in the house but its not . i was just wondering if it will grow back and if i could do anything to help it ?? cheers tony !
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