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Everything posted by stripes

  1. Whatever age they sell them at ,,check the dogs teeth,, there like rings on a oak tree,, experience helps also..
  2. Off the counter cough mixture will help.
  3. Top pics mate,, what a crackin wee dog.
  4. Donegal all the way,, bring it home lads.
  5. God bless craigyboy, all our thoughts are with the family,.
  6. A nice un mate,, best of luck with your pup.
  7. Well christian,, i dont see any pics yet,, fooknuts,
  8. No not yet graham, but wont be long,, flat out at work,, hope youre season is the best,,, keep at them.
  9. If you dont care what other people think about how she look's why put pic's up ? Hey christian why dont you put a few pics of your dogs up,, so we can take the piss out of yours,, or maybe your a big hardman who doesnt give a shit,, fookin tool.
  10. Probably the farmer then , a little tip for when you next jump the fence line is go out later when the farmers in bed do they sleep No they dont sleep they wait up for poachers
  11. Hard to beat that feeling when man and beast work in perfect harmony,, you no what the dog is going to do,, and the dog knows you graham pleasure in meeting you at show, keep at them!
  12. Charity shop, blankets,, old coats, old dressing gowns jumpers,, charity shop full of them very cheap.
  13. Lets hope everything is ok, he seems like a fighter . get well soon craig!
  14. I wonder who it is back from the dead...
  15. A healthy looking litter danny, good luck with the last sale
  16. If she doesnt scream at the moment of blissful union,, then NIP her fookin arse.
  17. Jesus i bet that arse makes a mess of the toilet bowl.
  18. Mine seem to like grass, and gulp down mouthfulls of soft fresh cowdung,, anybody know why dogs do this? is it a vitamin deficency, or is it natures laxative?
  19. Hope craig makes a speedy recovery, all the best mate,, thoughts are with your family.
  20. stripes


    maybe she will be posting on here in years to come danny, just like her oldboy.
  21. stripes


    My two daughters used to go with me with the terriers, and a lamping session, there 22 and 18 now,, but they still take the terriers for a walk when there in .
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