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Everything posted by stripes

  1. Welcome back mate,, we wont hold against you supporting the kopites,,, come over to the darkside.
  2. She has been out in the field since she was about 8 weeks mate ........ thats the way it should be, we should be hearing good things about the bitch in further posts
  3. Must be the collie grey bull in her,, ,, worth holding onto nice one, have you had her in the field since what age?
  4. Great pics iww, jesus you have a tough life enjoying the sunshine and watching that bitch work
  5. Cant help you with any info jim, thats a fine looking bitch whoever bred her, and if she pleases you thats all that matters.
  6. All the very best jdog to you and the bitch,keep us posted.
  7. Fair play to you mate, thats a fookin disgrace how anyone can leave a dog in that condition,, theres no excuse for it. Best of luck to ye jd.
  8. Were not getting at you mate, and we dont want you getting in trouble with the law, it reflects on all us hunters,,, were all learning,, best of luck to you.
  9. H as your terrier ever entered a hole before,, ? i have to ask because if he did you would know how your terrier works by know. If young and not experienced then keep out until you work with someone who is ,,they can show you the ropes. Entering a badger sett with a terrier is illegal.
  10. lol stripes two pups is enough to bring on never mind a third one. dont get me thinking I know your partial to a black and tan, oh well,, 2 crackin red pups too,lol
  11. the pups are all coming on good for you danny, nice one, i have a litter here myself staff x pat, theres a black and tan in them, right up your street mate.
  12. 23 years ago a young lad came into my yard, hey mister what kind of dogs are those i have seen you about and i live next door? I explained what the dogs did back to him,,,, Can i come out with you mister? my name is paul and yes i will take you a run on the lamp but make sure you ask your folks. Well after that day the young lad called aaron had basically moved into our house day and night he would be there. My wife thought i had adopted a son, aaron must of been 14 then a modest lad sensitive soul and keen as mustard to learn all about night and day work with lurchers and terriers, Anyway yea
  13. She is a good looker mate, best of luck with her.
  14. How long have you been taking photos nige, youre not half bad at it
  15. Youre pup looks well moocher, he looks keen,nice one.
  16. Is that dog carrying the leg bige,, or is just the pic.
  17. Doesnt have to be that expensive for a russell just for ratting, check in the free to good home on the classifieds, you never know somebody might have their handsfull of pups.
  18. Offended, that from a race that thinks its ok to throw acid in a womans face because she wont do as she is told,, fookin mental,, are u offended now muslims.
  19. Christ theres always one,, chat about doing the coppers job for them.
  20. Youre not to bad at this photography lark, nice one.
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