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Ellis Blain

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Everything posted by Ellis Blain

  1. Up nice and early for a Toby with the dogs. Blue sky and the son is shining Atb ellis
  2. looks like he could have a go of that pole never mind the dog. The dogs in better shape than him.
  3. It's second hand but in good condition. Thanks for reply lads, good help
  4. well we set off today around 1 on what was ment to be a little local walk. we took my 15 week old pup and a friends 4 yr old bull x. after about a 30 min walk we arrived at whats known as the 'back lanes'.. farms fields and muddy paths basicly. cut a long story short we walked about 10 miles and ended up at a bend what links to a main road, before we got to the bend i noticed 2 rotweilers running free and didnt really want to walk past running the risk of the dogs being injured or even killed or us. we knocked on the closest farm to see if we could cut across the field and avoid the dogs. anyw
  5. cheers mate think ill go for the tx then.
  6. and weighrauch hw99 .. what is best bog standard and what goes wrong with them.. new to the gun so bare with me.. cheers
  7. been offered one cheap. just wondering what your views and opinions were on the gun? Cheers Ellis.
  8. need a cheap air rifle to plug pesty birds in my back??

  9. need a cheap air rifle to plug pesty birds in my back??

  10. Wish u wer closer mate. Buyer is getting an absolute bargain. Good luck with sale
  11. alrite mate. want 100 for battery and lamp. rather spin them together to be honest lad. im in kirkby.
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