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Ellis Blain

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Everything posted by Ellis Blain

  1. Haha the hotel is already booked mate with this meal and hotel and entery fee it's worked out about 45 quid! Absolute bargain..
  2. Off to bell view dog track for a friends 50th. Having a meal a few bets then staying in some hotel there! Anyone ever been?
  3. Have come across loads of pups with blue eyes and only a hand full of adults with the blue eyes.. Just wondered if the blue eyes on a pup is just temp or isn't permanent? Just curious all opinions welcome
  4. 440? Been robbed you mate haha
  5. Well I know where my fur will be going!
  6. hahaha i cant even remember what i searched?
  7. there is rabbit skin on there but its been treated and coloured. this stated that it was untreated and said DOG TRAINING!.. was like :|
  8. did anyone know that you can sell rabbit skin/fur on ebay?? seen 25 skins hitting the £25 mark still bidding... anyone else make money of quarry they kill?
  9. 2 grand, a lovely new 8 bore and ill have her dealth with, mine is the same but couldnt give a f..ck.
  10. the lads full of shit haha
  11. Good read. Good too see you gave a good dog a good hope atb
  12. Well done mate lovely looking dog. Think you've been lied to on the x like. Atb buddy happy hunting!!
  13. Wrote him off there haha. I've noticed this forum is just full of bitching. Funny to watch tho haha. Thanks for all advice Atb lads
  14. sounds good mate, well i can only get out on weekends as i work weekdays. just pm me mate whenever your up for getting out im always keen for getting out.
  15. cheers for your help mate thanks alot. atb
  16. not sure mate, do you drive? probly next weekend mate
  17. whats the name of the book rob?
  18. thanks for the advise mate. enjoyed reading that. will try and get hold of that book. thanks again, atb ellis
  19. kirkby mate. a few places. normally down the canal to maghull theres fields off the canal.pretty dead now tho been getting hammerd for years. theresa few places in kirkby but everywhere is dead haha. have no form of transport so cant get out far mate.
  20. sound, have got dogs and a lamp if you fancy a walk sometime mate!
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