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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. tosh bruno had him going and backed off rather than going in to finish him if i remember right big frank showed the chinks in his armour wasnt big bruno it was buster douglas that first defeated tyson and tyson even admitted douglas wasnt even a great boxer but that night he had the heart and fought like a man possesed
  2. tosh bruno had him going and backed off rather than going in to finish him and that shows that h didnt have the heart or killing instinct to do the job. he had the schooling and trainning best medical care and grub and was beaten before the bell even went because he wasnt mentally right. and it shows thru even today cos hes in and out of the nut house....... maybe it shows he had the natural size, strength co ordination etc but wasn't schooled right and if he'd been taught his job properly he'd have known when to go in for the finish........like i said it's down to the trainer it just
  3. tosh bruno had him going and backed off rather than going in to finish him and that shows that h didnt have the heart or killing instinct to do the job. he had the schooling and trainning best medical care and grub and was beaten before the bell even went because he wasnt mentally right. and it shows thru even today cos hes in and out of the nut house.......
  4. good topic tc, my opinion is we can train the pup in mannerism, obedience, stock breaking and the quarry its to hunt/kill, give it a good diet,bed and exersize and by breeding certain types for certain quarry helps. i also believe its down to confidence in the we dog and building its confidence by keeping it winning in its early apprenticship gives it self belief as it matures. but we can only give it the tools for the job then its down to the dog as to wether it can see the job through. i believe its down to the amount of heart in the dog to get going when the going gets tough. bit like when
  5. a lot of my mates run 5/8 grey 3/8 bull seem to make a good allrounder but in my mind they can get heavy with muscle so get out turned a bit but they all seem to pull like a train whn walking on the lead and have balls to burn. have any of yas tried the 5/8 cross with the acd?
  6. bet the dog on the right was better at turning lolol
  7. only in not so fkn great britain does this shit fcukin happen. chirst people what shite gets made up when evil chupicadbra like dogs with rabies and red glowing eyes and black curly teeth and radoiactive sh1t coming ou the arse end chases a deer and kills it with a tommygun in broad daylight in front of a bunch of lying anti bsatards who make this crap up to bring heat on the lurcher world. fcuk me if we all did what the antis got theyre way there would be a lot more of this happening because they want all pets released into the wild again not thinking that dogs are pack animals and would be d
  8. lads in all fairness how can we claim to respect something were about to kill???? i respect a lota people but dont want them dead i just think were all made to feel that were doing something wrong over here just by hunting alone. i say fair play to the spaniards they got the result they wanted and they obviously rather the fox bolted, the antis dont dictate how spain or continental europe is run just not so great britain cos at the end of the day its a fcuking pest
  9. i wouldnt be giving an inch on change either fcuk getting licenses for working dogs or the microchipping sh1t aswell just tell them that we are happy with things the way they are to leave us too it. if ya give an inch theyll want a mile
  10. id be intrigued to know where lurchers come into this because those of us mere peasents that cant afford our own mounted pack to hunt with have our way we like to hunt with terrier to ground or bushing , cover with lurcher ready to catch the bolters. is the new club and its members prepared to fight for all types of hunting with dogs or would the upper class snub us when they get theyre type of hunting secured? not looking an argument just making sure a club in preparing to join and support all aspects myself is going to be doing the same for me. and money,colour,race,religeon or secterianism
  11. craven molests his hand over the furry brigade. ive no problem with conservation and the likes, but i think the bbc need to tell the other side to the story they thrive in doom and gloom ive never heard any good news. the hunting business creates jobs and is an eco friendly way of controlling pests and and vermin and jobs mean it contributes to the economy aswell, so hows that a bad thing? and its good for health and fitness tooooooo lol
  12. craven is a wankstain. as ive said before how can people that dont live in the countryside or are ignorant of how best to run it dictate to us and others how it should be run. its fkn beyond me only in not so great britain does this bullsh1t happen wtf is the powers to be letting it happen for. if you asked an anti his opinion on a lion killing zebra or buffallo he wud say its nature. so are humans alien to this planet cos its in our nature to hunt aswell being hunter gatherers. the only dick heads alien to the planet is the antis its about time the police scumbags exposed theyre vandilising c
  13. anno ud think theyd ave at least hid the bag lol, but who knows they may have had to leg it but at least its going back into the food chain
  14. jeasus thats 1 big mutha fcuker, fkn alsation cross lol
  15. where i come from the gunmen are the working class haha :gunsmilie:
  16. take him out ratting and take it from there
  17. unfortunately with badgers the law is reversed its guilty till proven innocent, good luck hope he beats the b a s t a r d s
  18. the trrier could not just be a proper diggin dog they all dont make it, or could have its uses as a we bolter, or just be no good at all. try him on a few rats to get him killing and bit see how he reacts and build his confidence up. but if hes no good then you have a choice on what to do for the best and maybe look at getting a pup of people who work both parents, try and get a few days digging with people who have working dogs it would help you understand what to look for to see if your dog is up to the task
  19. thanks for the replies, what height are the dogs making full grown and does the cross throw strong or snipey heads
  20. how did you rate them? heard of the cross but never saw it in the flesh
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