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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. its more for the police just something to show there n then proper law stated facts and to show that they could be done for harrassment and trespassing and would also bring shitpot into line and accept that its our way of life he cant fuckabout with any more.
  2. it could stop a lot of the anti brain washing crap that goes on and teach the misinformed the right way were doing things if ya can show them the evidence there n then. whats your views on this?
  3. why does the representitives of our beloved hobbies and pastimes not get together and sort out and print/make a fools guide to working dogs in theyre different fields of work? the reason i ask is so we can produce evidence to show misinformed police,charity,joe public evidence when were approched when out with our dogs. being accused of all types of rubbish. if all the pro hunting people get together and get it done properly so that it is done to the laws standards then it could be used in our favour when accused and make the anti,misinformed think twice about coming near us with false accusat
  4. i liked diary of a hunter some nice pics anno half of yas prob hate plummer but it ws the 1st book i read as a young teenager. and also liked the story called nathan another good read. liked the harcome books and any good reads with good pics of the dogs at work, the book i couldnt finish due to boredom was hunt and working terriers too long and boring. thats my 10p worth lol
  5. not very often pikeys report stolen goods, usually them doin the nickin lolol no offense just made me laugh
  6. good things come to those who wait. thats why its called hunting and not killing
  7. and to hope ya can get lucky and earn a pup of them if thats what ya were after lol
  8. put an old tsirt or nightgown in her bed she should settle in
  9. and when your a big name your also the target of the anti groups and uspca and any other arsehole that think its good to make love to theyre hands over animals, so is it worth the hassle just to get a name, not for me
  10. i had the same yrs ago with my 1st lurcher nosey oul c**t neighbour rang the uspca up and reported me for neglecting my dog and it was starved. the guy from the scummy uspca came out and told me the report, but he knew his dogs and laughed with embarrassment at what he saw he just said he felt wick and that the dog ws in great condition then told me the neighbour that reported it. revenge is sweet lol,.. had the same with a terrier we went to see the guy told us it was 100% working on the fone [bANNED TEXT] w ent up he then said if it runs dead holes it means its working, my thoughts was" i
  11. i cant understand why most is obsessed with the big names yes they have tested and bred theyre own strains of dogs that suit them. but i dont think they set out to become a known big hitter in the terrier world, to me they just did what they wanted to do and thats work the dogs they had, but endd up peddlars in a way for the dosh by using a name to sell pups but each to theyre own. i bet theres a lot who have great dogs out there but strive to have what theyve seen or read in a book and cant see the wood for the trees meaning they dont realise what theyve got in their own dogs, be intresting t
  12. wheaten x grey or a 3/4 grey x 1/4 wheaten thats only cos im biased lol
  13. maybe hes just a misinformed dickhead whos been brainwashed into heading a sanctuary to get to joe public by using fame as his weapon. too much time and money in his hands, wish i had that problem lol
  14. if thyre only voting to just save hunting with hounds only then im holding min it needs to be all or nothing
  15. hes fulla shit anti this anti that what bout the leather products he wears or sits on what do they come from? and how many butterflies mothe bugs etc etc he kills when driving or cutting his grass. im all for conservation myself ive let many a quarry run after being dug too but conservation just doesnt appily to protecting red or brock what bout the animals they predate then they should need conserving too like ground nesting birds ,voles door mice, hedgehogs a favourite of ole brock but noooooo theyre not high profile enough for him
  16. he knew what he was doing the douchebeg wonder what his opinion woulda been if somebody had wore anti gay pics on theyre clothes. the c**t has too much time on his hands
  17. hes used to nurturing diseased spreading animals until they die, it all started with freddy
  18. ruined the olympic closing ceremony with his stunt the wankstain no place for sneeky hunting politics. jmo
  19. thats what happens when ya buy dogs from shitty stock n not proven workers lol
  20. be better going to his place then spade him before the terriers n put all the shite down before its flooding the market
  21. this is the xbox generation nowadays so our way of life is frouned upon. the kids are becoming lazier and if they cant get it delivered to theyre bedrooms then they dont wana know, but what chance have they got whenever theyre trying to outlaw our way of life, in my eyes theyre banning everything and are doing nothing to promote countrysports which as we all know has many health benefits. theyre gona push it into an underground sport
  22. the best dog ive seen work was a collie x from both proven collie greyhound crosses the dog took 4 foxes in a day out beating cover killed them no probs took his share of hares rabbits, pheasents feral cats all quarry and did not hesitate going into a stop to draw he was the perfect all rounder if such a dog exists but def a belting fox dog. his father was a known dog of the time round our way and so was the mother, he had bow legs but never stopped him running or turning. he was great lamping dog too , he never botherd stock and was quiet and great with other dogs and ferrets too. he was a go
  23. Exactly!Had many episodes of insomnia after a dig never really asked other folk if they get it, sounds a bit weird when i say i cant sleep as my head is filled with the sound of the shovel clanging and the dog baying! mate its our hunting instincts kicking in and the excitement of the hunt that gives ya the warm feeling inside, its what the stoneage hunters felt aswell and they drew theyre hunts and prey that was hunted in cave drawings its a hard wired instinct in almost all of us. millions of yrs old
  24. the day they ban hunting over here they make me a criminal and a criminal i will stay, the governments are all eco this eco that but seem to forget that the most eco friendly way of controling ground vermin is with dogs only the targeted species gets culled. if they gave us the permission to control badger numbers on an open season of even 3 mnths then im pretty sure they would save millions each year on tb payments to farmers. terrier and hunting folk offer a service for free that would save billions over many yrs that could be spent on education , hospitals etc but instead they ban hunting i
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