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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. take the pups out next week and stick them down a badger sett and if they go to grips then they can be bred from at 6 mnths
  2. ring him up and send him round the country on a wild goose chase
  3. nature gave us the wolf man took this and improved/developed it into a better controllable animal called the dog a selfless warrior/companion that would die to protect us where the wolf would run a mile in the opposite direction.
  4. undershot workers deserve to live the same as correct scissor bite dogs, nobody said theyd choose an undershot worker because at pups nobody knows how they will turn out, they take the same chance with the undershot dogs as with correct bites to rear them form pups. yes undershot dogs deserve to be culled if they don't make it as a worker nothing else. same as scissor bite non workers
  5. dam shame, he was a good actor, I loved the sopranos and would have loved there to have been more but unless they get ted hankey to fill in as an actor they might struggle lol rip big T
  6. hes doing his Michael Jackson impersonation, tee hee
  7. that was a good oul read I seen a lot of them mink in the river moy but not many up here.
  8. id prefare to get one as a pup to make sure its trained hard and stock broken and socialised
  9. i can see reality biting fury up the ass when haye hits him. most of the travelling lads will stick to theyre own and fair play to them but how many will give a good opinion if haye kos fury? same here with us who support haye if fury beats him them ill be 1st to admit that I got it wrong. so Floyd and the fury supporters yas may get your speeches written for when haye kos fury lolol
  10. I'd stick it in her mouth maybe, anything to get her to shut the f**k up! lol id give her an atm
  11. bet there was a bad smell of sh1te in his car on the way home
  12. theres nothing wrong with having a looker that grafts but id never dream of culling pups that are undershot cause how would ya know what way they would have turned out as most of us have seen great undershot workers. and if it proves itself a top notch worker over its lifetime then it most certainly deserves to have that working ability passed on.
  13. if she was there with the growler out malt youd be up her like a rat up a spout
  14. it would be hard to try n choke a outa control dog with a lead in one hand and punch the fcuk outa the owner with the other .most of these we fanny licker designer dogs suffer from small man syndrome and can be cheeky cnuts anyway but theyv as much right in walkways as every body else
  15. I wouldn't mind Jessie j holding my microphone in the singing position shes not hard on the mince pies
  16. it will be a gd fight until the bell ring and furys gunks fill with read n write then there will be 3 hits after that haye hit fury, fury hits the deck and the ambulance hits 90 to get fury to hospital.
  17. the government should look at how damaging invasive non native species do lots of damage and threaten to extinct native species, then apply the same rules to the mussies and other invasive races in these shores
  18. surely if an undershot dog or bitch proves its self as a hard graft worker and gave many many hours of its life under the soil accounting for huge numbers in its job then surely it deserves to pass that working quality onto future liters it should go without saying as working ability should be 1st in what we should look for in the dog
  19. would like to see it done with mammoths, imagine if it came cheap the dog world would be flooded with dog blood lines from the peddlers 1 dig wonder
  20. yous are fcuked [BANNED TEXT] up the keek hole by them. look this is how backward they are. Africa ment to be the cradle of the human race sothe people there is the oldest race on the planet and in how many thou yrs old why do they still live like primitive man? same as the arabs mussies and chinks they all still mainly live in we wooden huts. so they obviously still behave like chimps with the pack order so for being the oldest peoples they havnt moved forwards much. then theres Europeans explorers spacetravellers scientists which is mostly white in race same as the Russians the white man co
  21. if undershot dogs bite harder then why would you not breed off them they could prob finish off the fox before you break through but so do scissor bite dogs ive seen both do the job. it wouldn't bother me one bit if I had an undershot dog as long as the main important thing it could do is work well and if it was ugly as sin well, some mothers do ave em. if dogs with different bite profiles cant bust grape maybe that has more to do with the dog that doesn't want too. ive seen a cracking we black bitch yrs ago her name was ratty she worked well and was undershot was put to my mates working borde
  22. there was one over here called give my head peace, it was cracker to watch
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