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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. I blame them mussies again its al their fault
  2. surely theyre interfering with a badger set lolol wheres gavin gwant when ya need him? oh aye hes eating a coarse fish supper the pwick
  3. funny how it gets aired when ever theres a cull due. pity it wont show a terrier or ferret to ground working away lolol
  4. this is more a case of my actions would speak louder than my words
  5. 1 thing that springs to mind is the ebts that worked are all heavily brindled markings. now I now colour doesn't make workers or matter in th dark but could it b staff or pit in the ebt blood that gave them the fire as all the other white bulls seem not to be good workers? and might be more closely related to the origional hinks line? where as the coloured ones have other type of blood introduced in more recent times?
  6. it would be easier if ya could get yer hands on them old polaroid cameras them iphones have built in gps and plot where the pics are taken feck that lol
  7. steel balls didn't save him, I guess its just trying to beat the law of averages doing mental shit like that unfortunately the average caught up on him the poor cuntt
  8. he could be useful if they tooled him up and slipped him into the cells of those 2 black b*****ds that murdered lee rigby that would even his score with society
  9. Sacrilege.....Blondy Paddy's brew could transport you where ever you wanted to go....Nowhere in Ireland did I ever sample better!! fcuk that too strong for me im a shandy man half n half too lol
  10. surely if the cars broke down it could have been used as fuel lol my granda loved the stuff
  11. carlovian, bolio and liam Delaney I wouldn't mind an afternoon sitting in your companies such a wealth of knowledge and a tale to be told thanks for the info on the old trials
  12. I bet there was a fair few of the girls out looking the dick because they liked the thoughts of fame in them days. where do they draw the line
  13. that's true freedom only for the pc doo gooders. suppose by adding the correct bull blood to the ebts they could get a handy strain going. the only one I saw working suffered green eyes for a week after doing his job from the muck in his eyes, no matter how much ya cleaned them they were always prone to going green.
  14. over here an ex para knifed his best mate to death over a £10 meat parcel in broad daylight after being on the booze
  15. do you think the pit bull is the peak of evolution for the bulldogs or do you think they could be improved? such a shame that those ebts were never mated to working ebt bitches. did you ever see any ebt bitches certify
  16. with any luck the plane crashes into afganistans biggest building
  17. by any chance was he also known as socks lol
  18. did any of the ebt boys never mate to any working bitches or was it just the dogs that worked? surely they cant be that bad where only a handful over decades worked that's real waste of time and effort
  19. poor ba$tards boiler busted the country is good at training them to kill and spend millions on doing it but never put any money into re-entry back into civy street. he is not alone in his plight hope he gets the help he badly needs
  20. he must have been dieing to go sky diving
  21. imagine how good this site would be if everybody hunted the same as yourself. good work blaise. by the looks of it you use all kind of dogs
  22. belter pic carlovian hes some coupon on him did you see him work?? I remember them oul transits too my da used to drive one. whats your fav kind of strong dog
  23. Liam did you ever see the red hand work? and with your experience at the trials do you think the red hand was a one off. what is your fav kinda strong dog? I personally never seen him trial,but I know some who did,obviously he was a good dog(he certified)some say he was not pure(I dont know if he was or not).My own opinion he was a one off even back then white bulls were shite for the real job.My favorite strong dogs were Cuilleog and CH breeding and these two lines were interbred on a regular basis by the two men who owned the line and myself.Never did better dogs walk on Irish ground
  24. Liam did you ever see the red hand work? and with your experience at the trials do you think the red hand was a one off. what is your fav kinda strong dog? I personally never seen him trial,but I know some who did,obviously he was a good dog(he certified)some say he was not pure(I dont know if he was or not).My own opinion he was a one off even back then white bulls were shite for the real job.My favorite strong dogs were Cuilleog and CH breeding and these two lines were interbred on a regular basis by the two men who owned the line and myself.Never did better dogs walk on Irish ground
  25. Liam did you ever see the red hand work? and with your experience at the trials do you think the red hand was a one off. what is your fav kinda strong dog?
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