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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. what an opponent he must make for a terrier. again very good post/work blaise. hows the French, northern irish relations?? I could find myself over there doing a battlefield tour then knocking your door and going out digging
  2. chainsaw is better easier to hold
  3. i always liked theyre programme and now shes showing her support for hunting, clarrissa for pm
  4. so what went into the creation of the apbt to make them the bulldogs off today??
  5. yea I read about that thanks its started ww3 lolol in here, his next book is getting called dig them hard, swell theyre faces haha
  6. why travellers mentioned every time a dog goes missing??? could be anyone... at the end of day dog thiefs are scum no matter what they are. well its happening all the time so its bigger than 1 toe rag just doing it and the dogs just disappear into thin air. so unless its an organised crime circle involved then who else has the network to pass the dogs around??? I didn't say it was def them I just said its something they could be in on proper travellers wouldn't steal any ones dogs, if it is its a small majority that are doing it. im a traveller and years ago we were away and my gra
  7. why travellers mentioned every time a dog goes missing??? could be anyone... at the end of day dog thiefs are scum no matter what they are. well its happening all the time so its bigger than 1 toe rag just doing it and the dogs just disappear into thin air. so unless its an organised crime circle involved then who else has the network to pass the dogs around??? I didn't say it was def them I just said its something they could be in on
  8. sounds like something the travellers could be in on because they could have the means and contacts here and across the water and they would easily hide away in their camps and lets face it who actually goes into investigating them. just hope the kunt becomes an example of why not to steal dogs if they catch them
  9. has there ever been any authors from n Ireland or the republic that's done any good terrier books? or doesit just seem to be an intrest of the men/women of the mainland?
  10. lolololololololololol Jeremy kyles best knockouts. more serious it reminds me of bumfights where the guy paid bum to fight and he made millions doing it
  11. neems where they not bred for so called pit fighting in the land of gentry? I read somewhere that he matched a dog before a show with a below par bull. and the dog or bitch won the show?? im intrigued to know as I like them
  12. nice looking dogs, I take it by the chains theyre on that they had fire in the bellies
  13. well said and im a fan of the bull terrier and I don't doubt that some are mor than capable of doing some work and it would be nice to see proper workers being bred best to best to see if hey can get something going
  14. that's right albert skelp him up the bake with a shovel lol
  15. well wheres the proven lines? to state otherwise that's producing worker after worker at the game mentioned in a lot of the above posts ? now I dont mean pig work? I like the ebts but would like to see more used in the field
  16. until theres a few paki bull terriers brought over and tried then who knows what theyre capable of doing? but as numbers have shown they have more wastage than most breeds
  17. rip digger hope your with many a great dog long gone
  18. gollywogs were taken off marmalade jars because people was using them as passport photos
  19. I guess its splitting hairs for people, myself I like to see an underdog doing well and like the ebts but the fav strong dog of mine is the wheaten as I like a dog with coat, staffs obviously do what theyre meant to and don't have much left to prove. but its each to theyre own. id like to see more ebts doing a bit rather than imitating a barrel.
  20. so where does the earth dogs rate in gameness? with me theyre at the top as they do their jobs in the dark in unfamiliar surrounds. what is every one elses opinion
  21. oh right I didn't know that. im no expert on strong dogs and have had little experience of them, im just intrested in the field workings with them. we always used lurchers for the job if ya know what I mean.
  22. how did the americans create the apbt to better the staff if the staffs were excellent dogs to start with for that type of work?
  23. i guess its just people chasing pink elephants. where we should just accept that theyre not up to scratch in the earth type trials possibly from poor selection of dogs in the root stock that's just got worse from the show peoples. it could be a challenge for some die hard fans to recreate a game type that becomes a working strain. bar the odd one working
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