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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. it seems were a far way off the men even from the 60s never mind the early half of the 20th century. I think we need a military experienced pm to run th country who will stand up to all the nonsense going on in here as a nation and take no shit from any foreign nation either. and get rid of this xbox protesting watch the Jeremy kyle show for a living phase that's gotten hold of todays society. take the foreign aid payments and use the money to better help our old, properly sick (not the blaggers) and our ex servicemen and women, and send all asylum seekers to fcuk back to the shit holes they
  2. I like em white. now that girl from the cardigans id even be her bog roll
  3. on the news there he was meant to have said that gb is just a small island that nobody listens to any more. has he any credit? in my views it has become a soft nation of protesters and lazy fcukers that gurn about everything.
  4. fer fcuk sake ive shit harder than Vinnie jones. 99% of footballers in the prem are nancies, spice boys whos afraid of ruining the make up or breaking a nail. hard men well combat sports sort that out and those rugby fellas aren't afraid of getting stuck in.
  5. theyre all queen fans and worship the bible of bri the badger may. the best part of them ran down the inside of their mums legs
  6. bas tards like these 2 need bled to death by the balls getting cut off then mrs bulger getting a knife to cut the throats of these pieces of sh1t just before they take theyre last breaths, the last face and voice they see and hear on earth is the mother of the child they killed getting her revenge.
  7. too many nowadays would put breeder names over working ability, show me the parents work first then ill think about having a pup. whether its john lennon lines or elvis presleys.
  8. just as long as its not the bitches camel toe, if you amputate that then you could end up with a triploid. (sexless)
  9. how da feck did he get lucozades . he musta been getting tysons sloppy seconds. rip tommy, but rocky knocked yer kunt in
  10. its only big foots pet house cat, finn mccools is even bigger
  11. na na na nana I predict a riot, I predict a riot da da dada I predict a riot
  12. the best thing he could do is get onions deep in another new girl.
  13. what i cant understand is why all these pedos are made out to be the nations sweethearts, get an honour from the queen then dragged through the courts for sex offenses. im sure the queen is saying who da feck recommends these people to oneself? off with hiz head
  14. its better with just olive oil on it ill take your word on it, I tried it once tasted like Lillian gish
  15. any one that thinks asparagus with salt on it is pukka enough for tv isn't running on 4 cylinders
  16. what did he breed her for in the 1st place the ganch. even do a special deal for the lot tooo. fcukin brass neck
  17. I saw it and it was good to watch. in my family im the only hunter but weve always had a dog or 2 in the house and never been without 1 and must say ill always have a dog knocking around till I die. such loyal pleasing animals that would die trying to please their masters
  18. I always like a dog with a broken or wiry coat hides a multitude of sins
  19. I hada we border bitch who was a we fox only she was a handy dog to have bolted and dug loadsa foxes with her, great nature with kids other dogs and stock. also hada bull Russell bitch she was hard as nails proper grips always dug her to dead foxes or in grips with her quarry
  20. what an opponent he must make for a terrier. again very good post/work blaise. hows the French, northern irish relations?? I could find myself over there doing a battlefield tour then knocking your door and going out digging Hows the French, northern irish relations?? Probably very good. But i'm not a travel agency, just an hunter. glad to hear it when I go there if im close enough ill bell ya and get out
  21. that's a good idea kick the kunt outa them when theyre down
  22. BBC= Buggering British Children. that doesn't surprise me, I wonder did they do all that making an example out of normal people to take the attention away from theyre dark secrets of covering up child abusing on theyre premises. what they really did was pay pedos to abuse kids. FACT. no hunting is worse than that
  23. so what went into the creation of the apbt to make them the bulldogs off today?? That's putting the cart before the horse big E.....the term bulldog is what most of the yanks called their sporting pit dogs until about 1898 when I think it was a columnist in the Police Gazette (which used to publish match reports at the time) who began to use the term American Pit Bull Terrier....possibly out of patriotism??? Sporting bulldogs where still being exported from the British Isles to the U.S. after that time. Exports from Belfast, Glasgow, London and Cork are all mentioned in the old books and
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