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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. guy known up here for spoofing, heres a couple of his lines. got a new bike, all I need is a frame. my brother won the pool competition on the Liverpool boat. went ferreting the other day, got 2 n a half rabbits the other half got away
  2. they'll get him a bum to smack about to keep his confidence high, they should go to the blue oyster the men in there would put up a better fight lol
  3. I think a deer/grey x wheaten/grey could make a handy dog and reduce the height down to the 25 to 27 inch heights
  4. tell yas this fellas, the more I read about this cross on here the more I like them and would love to see a gooden work. I only ever saw 1 and it was in the 90s and by fcuk it was like a pure white donkey and hit loads of fences id even say a donkey was faster. not mocking the cross but it was a total wanker. it was called rocky and we nick named it casper, looked like it was haunting rabbits as it never caught anything
  5. look at the corn beef in that jaw, how can all the antis be blind to the fact that the design of that jaw is for tearing and eating meat, not blackberries or vegetation. that is a carnivore jaw so it shows them that oul bri may kills birds, hedgehogs, mice, and all other types of mammals, not just worms
  6. what a shame but it looks a genuine enough reason. that would make the fight easy for Tyson if he entered with that. better to fight when both are fit and healthy that way theres no excuse for losing. . I was really looking forward to haye kicking tysons ass, means we ll just have to his shit talk for a while longer. I know why doesn't he fight another bum as 99% of what hes beat are. mon the haye lol
  7. I buy cmw but this week it was sh1te only 1 passage for the jrt. no more on working terriers, although skycat gave a good post on the dangers of cattle aroung dogs.
  8. Who needs antis and rural crime operations when we have got one of our own ringing the police he could be on the pay roll, agent brussel sprout. I remember the fish post and now hes ringing the peelers to tout on others.. never tout on others especially when its the pot calling the kettle black
  9. everybody should just go around dressed as brian may in a mask, that would get the line jammed
  10. well get the ball rolling with some stories of your latest forays with the wheatens lol I haven't got a wheaten its the only name that I could get that was accepted lol, although they are my fav lurcher cross
  11. that's wrong turn 6 being made soon
  12. antis are revolting, digging up a dead woman and hiding her remains is sick, threatening to burn out peoples houses with their kids in it is also revolting. revolting in many ways not just infighting.
  13. exactly shane, needs a good greyhound over that cross to make it a better dog in my opinion
  14. my mate had a patt wheaten cross, looked like a smaller wheaten with the black hairy coat, the dog was mute his life never barked just went straight for the kill, lets just say he didn't make old age. he gave his all every time and was never beaten
  15. again 100% sesku. how fcuked up has the hunting game nowadays tut tut
  16. true bobby. just a fcuking shame how things have gone, and dog thefts are a total disgrace that should be punishable by amputation of the hands. never thought id see the day a hunting forum was run like is was owned by mi5. good luck in the field this season ladies and gents
  17. the only thing id change here is put plenty of butter on that oul dry bap lol
  18. it seems to have gone stagnant, I was expecting to be reading something about days out but nothing. has it gone downhill badly due to English laws or has the bushing dog section taken over? its a shame as it used to be good
  19. ban it. it belongs to the religion that persecutes them in the 1st place that makes them come here seeking asylum. id even outlaw it and if they don't like it stay where your country allows it, if you come over here you should be made to accept the countries laws and religious beliefs. as that's the reason why you want to come here in the 1st place because our countries values build on Christianity not islam. islam will keep them bucking kids, beating their many wives, living like stig of the dump. and not integrating into the native populations in any way. give them not 1 bit more say,
  20. feckn jamie oliver I got my mate to eat rabbit once yrs ago told my ma to use the 6 legs in the freezer but to cut them into chunks off the bone and do them in a casserole them on top of chips, my mate ate the heap leaving his mushrooms stating that pork casserole was delicious. lol I waited for an hour after before I told him what it was, he didn't believe me untl my ma told him. he turns and says you b*****d im eating eff all else in your house unless a delivery driver brings it from the chinkys
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