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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. I said it before due to that fb site that some fools would get caught. silly buggers. but also unlucky, the way its going over here youd think hunting was banned
  2. bet he would be a good getaway driver in a robbery
  3. wooden I find are the best as they have a more stable temperature inside which is better in cold comditions. the reason theyre warping they need made from exterior ply as standard ply is for internal use only. the resins between the layers has to be water resistant or it separates
  4. looks like sand is the winner, and id say more so because its so unstable and fragile its more dangerous for the dog as it collapses very easy. I wouldn't work my dog in sand earths, too much risk of losing the dog as hes a tad hard. and theyre usually deep as the digging is easy. but that's just me
  5. you should get it swapped over to the lurcher section you may get more offers
  6. over the akitas seem to be popular with the drain pipe build of hoods that call everybody man. what a bomb waiting to go off
  7. just keep your dog but you may come a cropper one day, good luck
  8. Thank you! Yes, if he takes to catching like I have a good feeling he will.....he will take the spot of my lead CD. I will try and get pics for sure. A bit difficult at times for us because my husband and I tend to run alone most often, and we always have our hands full with dogs or a hog. This season I am going to put extra effort in getting a few photos though for sure. is the ebt blood in the states outcrossed with other types of bull blood like pit etc mybe that's why you lot get them working easier?
  9. that's the reason I started the cameras in the field good of bad thread. I don't do bake book but saw the hunters page down in my mates and was shocked about the things being said on that site
  10. Thats the right sort. Dont feed that day and just give them 24hrs at most and then remove. Not all dogs will work them hard straight away but when they do it cleans teeth and works the jaw. My bullcrosses love big shin bones and will work on them for hours. true mate then they shite lumps of hard chalk easiest to lift like we stones
  11. hang the b*****ds that try the marine. how are the mod expecting to get people to sign up whenever theyre ready to throw you to the wolves. many millions of great Britons have paid the ultimate price so we can live free, without fear of scumbags like the Taliban Nazis etc what about the rights of their lives? this marine deserves an apology from the government and set free. how can we expect these heros to watch our backs when the country hasn't got theirs. THE TRIAL OF THAT MARINE IS ON A PAR WITH TREASON.
  12. I think when he said "im dieing to do a parachute jump" he took it the wrong way
  13. that answers my question about cameras in the field good or bad? I started in the lurcher section. this time bad. the mussies worship a pedo
  14. We might be a fairly major player but we can't bring down the GC...... especially now he's been convicted by our own military courts. LOL Best he can hope for is once the fecking mess of Afghanistan is over and all the ragheads have set about killing each other again, he gets some sort of early release. Unlacedegeko is right, this has political implications now that will affect our withdrawal. Geneva convention only works in a civilised world where both parties are adhereing to it. not animals who are lower in morals than the gnats on a fleas ballbag, where was the Geneva rights for
  16. hey mitchel1982 I think you just started this new thread cause you wanted to see a fair dig lol
  17. if you fell in shite youd come out smelling of roses lol
  18. I know what a lot of you mean by changing countryside, its happening all over many places we check have at least 2 houses overlooking them now. from that hardcore hunters I think its only a matter of time before the antis get what theyre looking for a proper red handed catch
  19. sas warrior, I have 1 if I hoak it out ill post you it
  20. ive no probs seeing pics but theres some that just go that wee bit too far when its best left to the imagination. I like pics of others but don't take any myself. seen some on the other hunting sites which should not be on the dangerous net, its only going to end badly. now I do like looking through old albums taken with the old polaroid cameras. or in person but the net bragging thing is gona go tits up not to mention the type of quarry that they talk about working on a forum
  21. you lot may give the sas 90% of their men but we gve them 1 who was better than them all lol lt col paddy mayne
  22. its because the women are being counted aswell they have more facial hair than the men, and beat bouncers up for fun
  23. it seems to be worse in the terrier world, people obsessed filming the end of digs when clearly the terrier should have been lifted, it just looks like a dangerous bragging competition that's gona end up some fool being landed in court
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